Sakis Kalaitzogloy medal 5000 6 years 128 days ago
I cant see video for free parts
José Trujillo medal 5542 Community Manager 6 years 128 days ago
Correctly distributed parts
Cristián Fernández medal 4825 6 years 128 days ago
Hola últimamente no me anda cargando los videos para conseguir partes, me carga por ejemplo 3 o 4 y nomas. Y actualmente me estoy quedando sin partes a causa de eso. Como lo podría solucionar?
Marquinhos Ireno medal 5000 6 years 128 days ago
I can't get free parts, could you tell me what I do?
Carlito Brigante medal 5000 6 years 127 days ago
I have only 4 parts, i can't see a new video...please help me thanks
Martin Paz medal 5059 6 years 127 days ago
Me quedan 11 piezas y no puedo ver videos.
Lautaro Yañez medal 5291 6 years 126 days ago
I do not have 8 pieces left. Please someone help me!
Toni Amoros medal 5000 6 years 126 days ago (edited 6 years 125 days ago)
hello yunus please I can not watch videos and I am competitive I see all roots but I can not evolve car because of k I do not have parts. Can you help me?
Andi Driza medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
Hi i have just 158 parts for the car and i can not get others. Until maximum 10 races i will remain without parts. Please give me other parts
Andrew Lobban medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
Down to my last 14 parts have never been able to watch a video on android. Didn't even know three was an option until recently. Loving the game, hope you get the issue fixed soon.
Claudenizio Mota medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
Hi. I haven t been able to see adds for more than a week. After I watch one, the link stays grey, as if I had already reached day limit. Today I couldn't get even one piece.
Rafael Oliveira medal 5000 6 years 125 days ago
Good Morning. I can watch at most two videos per day, and the consumption of parts is very high. I'm only 15 now, so I'm done.
Tejas Sharma medal 5000 6 years 124 days ago
I have 84 parts. Can you please send parts.
Name : Tejas Sharma
Team : Dracula Racing
League : Active Class GP
Marc Sousa medal 5000 6 years 124 days ago
1. Sí
2. Sí
3. Android
4. Borrado
5. 1 cuenta
6. Reino Unido
7. Avanza en tres puntos y no procede al anuncio, cuando regresa después de borrar el caché vuelve a los tres puntos y trata de procesar.
8. Ninguno
Esto ha estado ocurriendo ahora por una semana y he tenido que gastar monedas en partes solo para que mi carrera de autos sea digna. Si me pueden dejar algunas piezas / monedas gastadas como después de la carrera de hoy estaré en el mismo bote.
Damian Chądzyński medal 5000 6 years 124 days ago
4 parts left, please help.
Raul Angeles Garcia medal 5055 6 years 123 days ago
Y esto sigue igual o no se pueden ver los videos o son maa de un minuto cada uno y luego no te da la parte
doando lo vais a arreglar ? Ya estoy en negativo
Sean O'Callaghan medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Only 18 parts left. Only averaging 2 free parts a day. Some days none at all. Hopefully the new update coming soon till resolve it.
José Trujillo medal 5542 Community Manager 6 years 123 days ago
Correctly distributed parts
Daniel Moya Leiva medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Yo no tengo suficientes partes, solo me quedan 14 y he gastado muchos tokens en subir la fabrica de partes pero no creoq ue me aguanten para esta temporada...
Vinny Silva medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
I cant see video for free parts