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Inactive League Host? Post Here.

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago
Hi tried to get host of a league twice already host inactive for over 60 days. League basically died already since the requests are beeing ignored for past two months basically. Any reason why this is happening?
medal 5004
6 years 165 days ago

I'm in a league with inactive host and i would like to be the host since i'm the player most active of the league and i would to a league for only active players.

Information of the league is: 
- Name: Open Malaysia Grand Prix 2018 -
- Name of inactive host: Khusyairi Kid -

medal 5411
6 years 164 days ago
Hi all! I'm sorry, things have been very busy lately for me. I've fulfilled any requests that I could if the league wasn't already closed.
medal 5000
6 years 163 days ago
David Grieve

UK Racing League. (Sorry, no link. On the mobile)

Host has been inactive for 45+ days
medal 5542 Community Manager
6 years 160 days ago
I've already reopened the topic, we don't know why it appeared as closed.
medal 5000
6 years 160 days ago
Hi Yunus,

The host of the league I'm in is not inactive yet but has moved into another league since April 2.

I'd like to take over that league in order to keep it alive as long as possible, as we're a bunch of lads racing in. 

League name: KeepfightingMichael
Host name: Laurent Rouzaire

My name: Geoffrey Viot
My team: Knight Racing

Sorry for the URL and thank you so much guys.
medal 5000
6 years 156 days ago
League Name : Argentina F1
Host Name: Max White +340 días inactivo
my Nick name : Jair Santa Cruz / JSCRacing

Thanks in advance
medal 5000
6 years 156 days ago
Hi i posted over 2 weeks ago about an inactive host. Just wondering if these are still being looked at. Or do i need to repost all the details

medal 5000
6 years 155 days ago
Hi Yunus
I would like to take over host of the below league. I know I have not done the 17 races yet and was going to wait till I had but we are full in elite with other managers wanting to join. They cant since we have allot of inactive managers. So was hoping I could take over a few races early to get the league turned around and running great.
League name:Steven Jordan
Host name: Steven Jordan (has been inactive for 341 days)
My name: Taz Devil
My team: Whirlwind Motorsport
medal 5000
6 years 150 days ago
Please guys
medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago (edited 6 years 148 days ago)
League is 

The original owner left and some home it got handed back to jake thomson who hasent been in the leauge for weeks. 


medal 5000
6 years 148 days ago
My host left and promoted someone who has not been in the league since March!! This is 70+ days ago since he’s been online even! Is the link, I’d like to be made the owner of the league. Thank you!

The league is called IGP world championship league, the supposed host is jake Thomson who hasn’t been active in 74 days 
medal 5000
6 years 147 days ago
I would like to be the HOST of the following league!
League: New Russia. 
The current host has been inactive for 355 days (
medal 5542 Community Manager
6 years 147 days ago
Host changes made correctly except for those that did not meet the requirements.
medal 5000
6 years 141 days ago
Hello, alloy info that I request host transfer: 
Link from the league: 
Current host link: 397951 (inactive 361 days ago)
Please wait! THANK YOU, DOUGLAS!
medal 5542 Community Manager
6 years 140 days ago
Host changes made correctly
medal 5411
6 years 139 days ago

Hello,alloy info that i request hot transfer:
Link from League "Purpose"
Current host link "Justin Bieber"  (inactive 1 year and 43 day)
Thank you ;-)

You can't take hosting for a league you aren't part of.
medal 5000
6 years 135 days ago
I would like to inform you that this afternoon I made a purchase in the app of 56.99 reais or 180 tokens, the same was not added to my account, please I hope you will see it still today because I need it, I paid for the product and it was not added, Thank you very much in advance.
medal 5411
6 years 135 days ago

I would like to inform you that this afternoon I made a purchase in the app of 56.99 reais or 180 tokens, the same was not added to my account, please I hope you will see it still today because I need it, I paid for the product and it was not added, Thank you very much in advance.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Please e-mail the following information:
1) The receipt(s) you received via e-mail from Google Play or Apple
2) The e-mail address for your iGP Manager account if there is one
3) Your team name and league name
medal 5000
6 years 134 days ago (edited 6 years 134 days ago)
Hello Yunus, my account is called Antonio Natalie, because my host is inactive from more than 37 days now and is not even racing inside the League, May I please kindly get the ownership from him, is name is Carlo Barcelli and pass it to me: Antonio Natalie. 
Manager: Antonio Natalie
My Team: McLaren
League: Leggend
Inactive Host: Carlo Bracelli
If you please can help me with that will be awesome! I have more than 250 races inside this league called Leggend 

That’s the link:
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