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Trouble Watching Ads? Post Here

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5000
6 years 274 days ago

1 - updated
2 - no
3 - android
4 - clear cache and clear data
5 - no
6 - portugal
7 - button is not available to press, it just stays as is its loading something.
medal 5000
6 years 274 days ago
1 Yes.
2 Yes, twice.
3 Android
4 Tried that too.
5 Yes, and i also cant view ads on my other accounts.
6. Poland
7. Ad button isnt even highlighted, so i cant even press it, to watch.
8. 8-10
medal 5000
6 years 274 days ago
1 Yes.
2 Yes, i did.
3 Android
4 Yes.
5 Yes, and i also cant view ads on my other accounts.
6. Poland
7. Ad button isnt even highlighted, so i cant even press it, to watch.
8. 8-10.
medal 5011
6 years 273 days ago
1) yes
2) yes
3) android
4) yes
5) no
6) Verona / Italy

The upload button is continuous and does not allow you to view any bonus.

I can not load any bonuses for many days. Please resolve early. Thank you
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1) yes
2) yes
3) Android
4) yes
5) no
6) Spain

I cant press the button at any time, never load a video.
medal 5044
6 years 273 days ago
Hi all, should be sorted now with the latest requests, including sending back tokens spent on parts in the past few weeks.
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago (edited 6 years 272 days ago)
2. yes
3.  Android  
4. yes
5. no
6. poland
7. i can't press button with ads
8. 0 .... 

medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. Only have one
6. Netherlands
7. I get to see the ad and after that it keeps "loading" the button. I tried clearing the cache but even after that it isn't working. I sometimes get it after one ad and the other time after 3 or 4 but never more than 5.
8. Between 1 and 5 depends on the day....
medal 5006
6 years 273 days ago
1 yes
2 yes
3 Android
4 yes
5 No me deja ver vídeos para conseguir piezas. 
6 España
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
2- no 
3- iOS 
5- no
8- one 
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1) yes
2) yes
3) android
4) yes
5) no
6) italy
7) can't press the ad button 
8) 0

Thanks for your help :D
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1. Yes, updated.
2. Yes.
3. Android.
4. Yes.
5. Yes yes
6. The Netherlands
7. Can't press button to get free parts
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
Texto traduzido by Google

1 - Yes

2 - Yes. Many times

3 - Android (don't have a problems)

4 - Yes

5 - No

6 - Brazil

7 - Variable behavior. Sometimes the button is in the light color and you can not click. Other times I click and it just does not do anything. When it works, I rarely get more than 5 pieces (but it's rare). Lately the button is not even showing up at all.

8 - It varies a lot. There are days when I can not get any. Example, in the last 5 days I think I have not even won 30 pieces.

Original escrito em Português Brasileiro

1 - Sim
2 - Sim. Muitas vezes
3 - Não
4 - Sim
5 - Não
6 - Brasil
7 - Comportamento variável. Algumas vezes o botão fica na cor clara, não sendo possível clicar. Outras vezes eu clico e ele simplesmente não faz nada. Quando funciona, poucas vezes, não ganho mais do que 5 peças (mas é raro). Ultimamente o botão algumas vezes nem está aparecendo.
8 - Varia muito. Tem dias que não consigo nenhuma. Exemplo, nos últimos 5 dias creio que não ganhei nem 30 peças.
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1. Sì aggiornato
2. Sì reinstallato
3. Android
4. Sì
5. No
6. Italia
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
7-Afterhours the first
8- one
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1) yes
2) yes
3) android
4) yes
5) no
6) italy
7) can't press the ad button 
8) 0

help me
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
Hello Boss, im still having trouble. Heres my answers:

1 Yes, updated
2 Yup, did twice
3 Android
4 Yes
5 No
6 Brazil

Let me know if i can help in any possible way.

Best regards

medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago

Se hai problemi a guardare gli annunci, rispondi alle seguenti domande:

1. L'applicazione iGP Manager è aggiornata e aggiornata dal 27 marzo 2018?
2. Hai provato a reinstallare l'applicazione?
3. Stai riscontrando il problema su Android o iOS?
4. Se su Android, hai provato a svuotare la cache? ATTENZIONE: esegui questa operazione solo se il tuo account è collegato con e-mail e password o Facebook. Gli account solo dispositivo (quelli creati premendo "Salta" al momento dell'iscrizione) possono essere firmati da questo processo e non possono essere recuperati senza contattarci per supporto. Se si dispone di un account solo dispositivo e si desidera provare questo, si prega di seguire le istruzioni per aggiungere una e-mail e password per l'account prima nella pagina 'Impostazioni'.
5. Hai più di un account iGP Manager? I tuoi altri account possono visualizzare annunci e ricevere parti?
6. In quale paese ti trovi?
7. Qual è il comportamento dell'app quando si preme il pulsante delle parti libere? Dopo quanti annunci è successo?
8. Quante parti riesci a ricevere al giorno prima che venga visualizzato un errore?

Fornire queste informazioni aiuterà molto gli sviluppatori. Rispondendo a queste domande invierò volentieri parti a coloro che ne hanno bisogno.

Se non hai ricevuto parti, potresti non aver risposto a tutte le domande o aver risposto correttamente a qualche domanda. Non modificare il tuo post precedente. Crea un nuovo post rispondendo correttamente a tutte le domande. Si prega di attendere almeno 48 ore prima di fare un nuovo post.

Se si dispone di più account che richiedono parti, si prega di inviare la richiesta su ciascun account separatamente. Grazie.


5-si - no
7-3 puntini fissi 
8- 0

medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
If you're having trouble watching ads, please answer the following questions below:

1. Is the iGP Manager application updated and current as of March 27, 2018?
2. Did you try to re-install the application?
3. Are you having the problem on Android or iOS?
4. If on Android, did you try clearing the cache? WARNING: Only do this if your account is linked with an email and password or Facebook. Device-only accounts (those created by pressing "Skip" on sign-up) may be signed out by this process and cannot be recovered without contacting us for support. If you have a device-only account and would like to try this, please follow the instructions to add an email and password to the account first in the 'Settings' page.
5. Do you have more than one iGP Manager account? Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?
6. What country are you located in?
7. What is the behavior of the app when you press the free parts button? After how many ads does this happen?
8. How many parts are you able to receive per day before an error appears?

Providing this information will help the developers greatly. By answering these questions I will gladly send parts to those who need them.

If you didn't receive any parts, you may not have answered all of the questions or did not answer some questions correctly. Do not edit your previous post. Make a new post correctly answering all questions. Please wait at least 48 hours before making a new post.

If you have multiple accounts that need parts, please post your request on each account separately. Thank you.

Hi Yunus, having problems watching videos, in answer to your questions.

1. Yes updated.
2. Yes re-installed.
3. Android. 

4. Yes.
5. NO
7. Ad button isnt even highlighted, so i cant even press it, to watch.
8. 2/10
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Android
4) Yes
5) Yes, No
6) Greece
7) It is loading,cant get any part for a long time now
8) 0
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