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    medal 0
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Can't watch ads? Post here!

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medal 4994
6 years 173 days ago
Hi Yunus,

I can't watch more than 1 vídeo and I got less than 75 pieces.

Thank you
medal 5000
6 years 173 days ago

What's happening with ads vídeos ? It's not avalible anymore ? I can't watch to get more parts to fix my car. I have only 14 par te.

it's the third time I claim that I can not watch the videos and so far I have not received any part or explanation why I can not watch more than two videos a day. And i don't have anymore parts to fix my cars

medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago

Mam tylko 1 część. Już od jakiegoś czasu nie mogę oglądać reklam. Proszę napraw to. 

medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
I have some problems for having free spare parts

1. Yes updated.
2. Yes re-installed.
3. Android.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. Brasil
7. Any click in the botton
8. 10 spare parts a day
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
Quiero partes
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
¡¡Hola!! Queria solicitar partes por que actualmente cuento con 1 sola y no me cargan los videos !! Gracias
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
I can t watch more than one or two videos. I only have 43 parts. Thanks you!
I love the game.

No puedo mirar más de 2 videos de publicidad y solo tengo 43 partes en este momento. 
Me encanta el juego y desde ya muchas gracias!
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
PPiezas por favor.

Dame unas 300. Eso estaría joya
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
Bonjour, bonsoir 
j'ai aussi quelques problèmes pour avoir des pièces de rechange gratuites 

1. Oui mis à jour. 
2. Oui ré-installé. 
3. Android. 
4. Oui 
5. Oui 
6. France
7. Tout cliquer ici 
8. 10 pièces de rechange par jour 
je me reste que 6 pièces pour mes 2 voitures c'est chaud ... Merci d'avance et bon courage à vous ! 
medal 5342 Community Manager
6 years 172 days ago
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago

I  can not watch videos,i,ve spent almost all the tokens in pieces and i can not fix the cars,thanks
medal 5000
6 years 171 days ago
Help, I can not watch videos, let me see one and then stay in loop.
medal 5000
6 years 171 days ago
I can not watch videos for free parts. Can you help me?
medal 5240
6 years 171 days ago
I have no more parts, I have the factory to the maximum but I spend much more. Can someone help me? !!!

medal 5000
6 years 170 days ago
1. Yes updated.
2. Yes re-installed.
3. Android.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. Netherlands
7. A circle is spinning,get 1 of 2 parts then it stops.
medal 4994
6 years 170 days ago
Hi again

I need some pieces for my cars, because I can't see more than one video I and got less than 70 pieces.

Thank you.
medal 5000
6 years 170 days ago
Partes se aceptan. Gracias 
medal 5037
6 years 170 days ago
Hello I cant see video for free parts!!
medal 5000
6 years 170 days ago
Hello Guys I cant see video for free parts!!
medal 5000
6 years 169 days ago
I haven't been able to see the videos for the spare parts for two days, I might have some please that I was left without, thank’s 
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