José Nuno Meireles medal 5037 6 years 140 days ago
For the last few days I’ve been unable to watch videos and I’m down to 4 parts which isn’t sufficient for me to repair my car !
Could you take a look and support on that ASAP?
Thank you!

José Nuno Meireles medal 5037 6 years 140 days ago
For the last few days I’ve been unable to watch videos and I’m down to 7 parts which isn’t sufficient for me to repair my car !
Could you take a look and support on that ASAP?
Thank you!

Daniel Moreira medal 5023 6 years 140 days ago
Hi, I have the same problem.
I can´t watch adds on mobile, and currently have 18 parts. so whatever that can be done would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)

loris Barbieri medal 5000 6 years 140 days ago
Hi currently i have 6 parts, i need 25 and my adds don't work yet. When i tried the ads don't start and remain the play sign.Maybe is a problem with my phone. I have a Leeco X626

Alexandre Asl medal 5000 6 years 139 days ago
Hi team,
It has become a nightmare to watch as videos to earn parts.
I wasted 4 tokens yesterday already and now it’s just not working.
Can you do something about it please?

Raul Angeles Garcia medal 4982 6 years 139 days ago
Es imposible reparar los coches sin poder ver los vídeos
Es que no sale ni la opción de verlos

Felipe Manente medal 5000 6 years 138 days ago
I can not watch the videos to have free parts. Very slow, and sometimes does not even open the option to watch the video. I do not have parts to run
Please Help

Thiago Bento medal 5000 6 years 135 days ago
Hello! I'm trying to watch videos to get extra pieces, but the bar with link to the videos does not appear. I have tested on several of my accounts and none of them appears on the bar. I would like the help of some moderator or developer. thanks for listening

Fabio Couto medal 5000 6 years 135 days ago
this is another account of mine in which the bar does not appear.

Mark Ratcliffe medal 5045 6 years 133 days ago
Freeparts wont work again this morning click the button but no video shows then the button just stays grey

Peter Riley medal 5000 6 years 132 days ago
Hi is anyone else having problems with watching ads? I can’t get any parts and only have 10 left.

Mark Ratcliffe medal 5045 6 years 132 days ago
Same here and i have 2 left and need more

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 132 days ago
Hello managers,
If the button does not appear it is not iGP Manager's fault, it means that the advertisers of the platform have nothing to show at that time for your country/region. We can't do anything about it, it's something external and foreign to us.

Vitti Viola medal 5497 6 years 132 days ago
Non ho ricambi aiitatemi

ciro castagna medal 5000 6 years 131 days ago
Salve non ho più ricambi per l'auto

Debbe Benedetti medal 5000 6 years 131 days ago
Ciao, puoi comprarli con i token o averli gratis guardando qualche video pubblicitario

M S medal 5736 6 years 131 days ago
Please write in English in the English forum section so everyone can understand and be able to help you.

Kayhan Polat medal 5000 6 years 131 days ago
Ads button bad 1 month defective.

Gerard VC I medal 5395 6 years 130 days ago
Ads button bad 1 month defective.
Do you have tried to uninstall and reinstall the app on your device?

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 130 days ago
If you are using iOS 12 we are aware of some issues there. They are not related to us or our code but the ad networks themselves. They basically don't support it. However, they are adding support now and it should be resolved in our next update when we put their new code in.
If you mean the button doesn't show up, this is because we have made it only appear if there is an advert available to show you. Again, this is down to the ad networks and not ourselves.