Iwan Aditiarsa medal 5950 4 years 242 days ago
Buruan masuk yuk buat para manager yang membutuhkan tantangan lebih tinggi dalam mengatur strategi dan manajemen.
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We are 2x speed, 75% length, 18 races only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and some set of tire rule. No, it's not you have to do boring 2 or 3 different compound, here is free but your team will be limited by some set of tire allocation each season. For our 53rd season, you may choose 1 of 3 tire supplier (not basing from your car setting tho), and they are:
Brickstone provide 10 SS, 20 S, 55 M, 55 H, 5 I, 5 W = 150 totals
Toyotired provide 50 SS, 15 S, 15 M, 50 H, 5 I, 5 W = 140 totals
Dunsoft provide 60 SS, 50 S, 10 M, 5 H, 5 I, 0 W = 130 totals
So, it's up to you to distribute the tyre for each driver every race.
Nominating the tire supplier must be done before 53rd calendar begins, if not, yours will be nominated by host league.
More in depth rule can be viewed in this link: https://bit.ly/2MAsq2k

Iwan Aditiarsa medal 5950 4 years 231 days ago
Liga Emwess Bret to the Pit siap memulai musim baru dengan aturan ban yg menarik.
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Iwan Aditiarsa medal 5950 4 years 226 days ago (Last edited by
Iwan Aditiarsa 4 years 226 days ago)
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Hasil balapan kedua, menyajikan strategi yang tidak biasa. Terlihat dari penggunaan ban yang berbeda-beda.
<a href="https://ibb.co/qsSkpZ6"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/qsSkpZ6/S53E2.gif" alt="S53E2" border="0"></a>

Disguised Incognito medal 5000 4 years 223 days ago
Liga Emwess Bret to the Pit siap memulai musim baru dengan aturan ban yg menarik.
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Halo sadayana.
Abdi badé ngamajukeun liga dimana kuring ayeuna.
Administrator asal Indonesia naroskeun kuring ngadamel publikasi.
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Join bro.. Silahkan..
La mejor liga de asia
Good,, ayo orang Indonesia silahkan join!!

Hans Herengeur medal 5000 4 years 223 days ago
Boleh di coba bro..
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Muhammad Wanhar medal 5000 4 years 222 days ago
Halo semua, Izin promosi liga saya. Yang berminat monggo di join.
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