Ernesto Salamanca medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago (edited 6 years 159 days ago)
Hi i don't have any parts, and I can't watch ads
Thanks for the support
Fast answer many thanks ?

Krzysztof Lastname medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
I also have some problems for having free spare parts
1. Yes updated.
2. Yes re-installed.
3. Android.
4. Yes.
5. No.
6. Poland
7. loading / one per day
8. One or less

Toto Wolff medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
Hi I need parts please 3 left

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 159 days ago

José Spider medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
Hola no tengo piezas suficientes para los 2 pilotos,uno de ellos tiene que retirarse por fallo de suspensión ya van dos seguidas.Solo puedo ver una publicidad 1 pieza al dia.Tengo 15 piezas,hace meses atras me pasó lo mismo.Un saludo

Manu Marquez medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
Hi Yunus,
I need some parts, because I can see just one video at the day and I have just 60 pieces for my 2 pilots.

Sander Dijkman medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
I (still) have problems to collect free parts. I can start up the app. Go to cars, repair, + and then press free parts. Watch the video and collect the free part. The second time i press on free parts the app freeze and i can't do anything. Then i have to close the app. Clear my app history and start it up and do the same thing over and over again.
Is there any way to solve this problem? I have already did a new install of the app.
Thanks for the support!

Vincenzo Candia medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
I can see only a few videos. Now I have less than 2 parts. Thanks

Liam Walker medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago
Hey guys I'm struggling with parts...can u help please? Thanks in advance

Shaun Peters medal 5000 6 years 159 days ago (edited 6 years 159 days ago)
First time I have had to post here....haven't got enough parts to repair so tried watching ads..managed to watch 1...but now it's stuck loading the ad....tried restarting everything etc still same...might sort itself at some point...but any help would be muchly appreciated :)
Ignore working now...typical lol

Robert Saj medal 5000 6 years 158 days ago
Hi, I've a problem, I run off parts and I can't watch ads since about a week. I just have 1-2 parts and can't repair car. Please help :)

Fritz Second medal 5000 6 years 158 days ago
Hello Yunus, I need some parts.
I have only 4.
My team is “supersonica bis”
Thanks You.

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 158 days ago

John Doe medal 5016 6 years 158 days ago
1- Actualizado
7-No me.deja dar al botón
8- 1 Solo al dia
PD: solo tengo 13 partes y los coches necesitan 20 cada una, aver si por favor me podéis ayudar, muchas gracias

Tejas Sharma medal 5000 6 years 158 days ago
Guys I've only 9 parts. And I'm still not able to watch more than 1 or 2 ads per day. Please send parts. Sincere request.

Alberto Martinez medal 5000 6 years 158 days ago
Hola buenas no consigo piezas para reparar y por culpa de eso no puedo correr de manera competitiva.. hay alguna manera de conseguir piezas para poder competir?? Gracias

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 158 days ago

Damian Chądzyński medal 5000 6 years 158 days ago
I only have 16 parts left, does it mean im not allowed to get help ?

Frikandel Speciaal medal 5000 6 years 157 days ago
Hello, i want to see the ads, after 1 ad the button freeze, keeps spinning and there is no more ads to watch.
Please help i'm out of parts.

Bob Bell medal 5000 6 years 157 days ago
Only 23 parts left, please help me.