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Sprint race glitch

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medal 5110 Super Mod
14 days ago
I think you misunderstood Jose. The exploit he is referring to is running cars with no intention of racing other people. Setting no strategy, and making no attempt to race.

These cars are usually very very slow. And just detract from the experience.Of others. They should not be allowed to make any gains. As I mentioned early maybe the implementation should be adjusted but the huge variety of comments coming in here is making it difficult to assess. Some people say high level cars are too powerful. Some people say they can’t beat level 1 players. There’s no consistency.

I started a level 1 account last night and won 2 races out of 4, I’ll do a few more today when the drivers have healed. So far I’ve not encountered anyone with pace I couldn’t match. And quite a few cars who must ran the entire race on softs and got lapped twice. That does not deserve any xp gains does it? 50 seconds a lLap slower towards the end of the race!

 But I probably need a larger sample so I’ll keep going and see if I can find the issues you are talking about.
medal 5000
14 days ago
I still just want to get XP even for being below target. It makes no to get no rewards at all. This just doesn't make me feel playing the game more and more. In no game you receive nothing for participating in events, you get atleast something. 

I think you misunderstood Jose. The exploit he is referring to is running cars with no intention of racing other people. Setting no strategy, and making no attempt to race.

These cars are usually very very slow. And just detract from the experience.Of others. They should not be allowed to make any gains. As I mentioned early maybe the implementation should be adjusted but the huge variety of comments coming in here is making it difficult to assess. Some people say high level cars are too powerful. Some people say they can’t beat level 1 players. There’s no consistency.

I started a level 1 account last night and won 2 races out of 4, I’ll do a few more today when the drivers have healed. So far I’ve not encountered anyone with pace I couldn’t match. And quite a few cars who must ran the entire race on softs and got lapped twice. That does not deserve any xp gains does it? 50 seconds a lLap slower towards the end of the race!

 But I probably need a larger sample so I’ll keep going and see if I can find the issues you are talking about.

medal 5110 Super Mod
14 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 14 days ago)
This I understand Ken, as i've said before perhaps reduced xp for those out of target and zero for those a lap down, retired or maybe x seconds behind would be more appropriate rather than just the 50% target zone.

But it's going to take time to find the right balance now, I'll contribute my own opinions internally through making my way to Level 10 myself.

So I guess all I can say is, you aren't being ignored, your concerns are being listened to, but it's going to take a bit of time to figure out the right balance and the right way to move. So far in 3 of the 4 races i've been in, the cars below that 50% line were absolutely not trying to compete, which implies its working.

In the fourth race, my driver was in bad health and I spent all my tokens on a lovely shiny livery, so I can't heal him. So I missed the target myself. :)
medal 5677 Community Manager
14 days ago
Yes, drivers are equal for everyone is Sprint Races.
medal 4995
14 days ago
For the people having trouble with pace in sprint races. Have you found the configuration settings for your “sprint car” and tried different adjustments there?

On your cars page, above acceleration, and next to upgrade / research. There should be a box saying “league car”. Tapping this box will bring up a new set of settings for you where you can make some simple adjustments to your sprint race car. Changing these settings may help with your pace.

I've looked just about everywhere but I can't find no such option, even after trying to uninstall and reinstalling the game

The fact that the drivers are all equal in Sprint Races explains some stuff, but for me I had tried to watch my races and even from the starting line I would get instantly overtaken and even with me managing the ERS and my own car I would still be 3+ seconds slower than just about anyone
medal 5110 Super Mod
14 days ago
Hi Steven

Ok my bad there, I was explaining from a level 30 account, I did not consider a lower level account would have different views at the time. It should be the "Cars" screen, there are two sliders you can move about.

I notice both your drivers are at 4% health. Are they racing like that? That would make them very slow.

Another significant effect on your pace would be the health of your engine. The worse it's condition, the slower you will be.
medal 4995
13 days ago

Hi Steven

Ok my bad there, I was explaining from a level 30 account, I did not consider a lower level account would have different views at the time. It should be the "Cars" screen, there are two sliders you can move about.

I notice both your drivers are at 4% health. Are they racing like that? That would make them very slow.

Another significant effect on your pace would be the health of your engine. The worse it's condition, the slower you will be.

I was just training my drivers while I waited, I also always try to keep my engines above 80% or so, just gotta try again in a new Sprint Race and see the results trying to work with the sliders in the Cars section 
medal 5557
13 days ago
Tbh iv seen LOADS of lvl 20 plus atm I dodge lobby's till I find a lobby with managers at or around my lvl
medal 4995
13 days ago
So I am back after racing another Sprint Race, in Hungary (20 laps) with my driver O'Doherty whom has Hungary as his favourite track.

I went Softs then Super Softs and Super Softs again against a Russian guy with a level 4 account, bro didn't even use ERS, never changed his tyre compound (used only Softs all the way and did the same 3 pitstop strategy) I attempted to overcut him (supposedly the best strategy when it comes to pitstops) had my driver/car on 100% health everything and...

I got lapped, again, this time I even tried putting my driver into Super Attacking Mode and he couldn't even heat up the tires, not with the Softs and not even with the Super Softs (it was like 5 degrees weather) and also I didn't get both money from my "sponsors" nor tokens so there's that as well.

Might as well just give up, car settings sliders don't feel like they're working, I put 20% Ideal Setup (unnecessary cuz I haven't seen that function in Sprint Races) had 80 Acceleration 80 Breaking 50 Downforce 50 Fuel Economy 50 Handling (supposedly my engine supplier has a +23 bonus to Handling in all tracks taking away -13 Downforce) and 80 Tyre Economy and nothing, might seem crazy to have such little Downforce in Hungary (given that my engine supplier actually gives me the effects) but still nothing to justify me getting lapped
medal 5110 Super Mod
13 days ago
I'm in hungary right now funnily enough, level 4 account. I'm on a 2 stop SS6-S7-S7 currently 20 seconds ahead on lap 13. Opponent is on mediums which must be freezing at 5C in hungary, it's one of the slowest tracks so tyres really struggle for heat when its cold.

I'm on constant Push level 5, it's the only way to keep heat in the tyres at hungary when it's like this, and anything other than supersofts will cool off over time even then.

What are you doing for fuel? Are you fuelling only for the laps you intend to do? Sprint races are refuelling enabled. The strategy you state doesn't seem too bad, 3 Stop majority SS should be pretty quick so its hard to picture why you should be lapped.

I'll drop you a DM with the settings I am using and we can compare.
medal 5000
13 days ago
I am underfuling my car im fueling it up the exact amount of laps im even on the same strat as the others but still im lacking pace. Im stuck at Level 5
medal 5513
12 days ago

What did you try to do?
Increase tiering using sprint racing as indicated.

What happened instead?
No exp is rewarded at the end of the sprint.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Apple Iphone 12

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Yes. Tried multiple races

Additional comments:
It is common knowledge that there is a problem with the xp in sprint racing. Opening a bug report as there is currently none listed.

I have the same problem

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