Zorgh Ledestrukteur medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Glad I’m not the only one...
I deeply trust the dev to sort this bug - these guys are good

Matthew Graham medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Same here jst bn kicked from my league race b4 end of season. Promotion and league win was assured from rookie tier but obviously not now. I can't also rejoin the league!

Fabio Macchia medal 5234 Moderator 6 years 123 days ago
Sono stato espulso anche io dal mio stesso campionato....

Davide Sala medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Cavolo nn so se esser felice perchè all'inizio pensavo di essermi drogato senza saperlo, Sbattuto fuori dal campionato e auto resettata:( e ora?

Tiaan Haarhoff medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
removed from my league!rejoined and lost all my season points and my design points are gone aswell

Alessandro Calella medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Tutti i miei account sono stati eliminati dai rispettivi campionati!!! Cosa cavolo sta succedendo???

Okan Ateş medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Have the same problem... Please fix, car is too bad right now :(((

Connor Cooper medal 5313 Super Mod 6 years 123 days ago
It looks like you all posted 2018 years ago aswell!

Jemilson Furtado medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
I also has been kicked out of my league which i am the moderator
What happened?

S cargo medal 5447 6 years 123 days ago
been kicked from my league WTF!!

Stefano Patania medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Non pensate di far andare avanti i campionati come se nulla fosse.
Ripristinate tutto esattamente com'era prima!

Xjzj Anaj medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Mi aggiungo al lungo elenco... Questo sara un bel grattacapo per gli admins

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 123 days ago
We're working on it. We are sorry for what happened, our whole team is working to resolve it as soon as possible.
Rinat Khafizov medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
I am a host of the league. Was kicked out!

Fabio Macchia medal 5234 Moderator 6 years 123 days ago
Me and other managers have been expelled for inactivity from the championship I run. What should we do? If you go back you have the reset of the car, if we do not go back we risk finding the place occupied.

Black Dragon medal 5049 6 years 123 days ago
Pure nel campionato in cui ero, Federazione iGP Manager Italia, ormai eravamo alla fine della stagione, spero non andrà mica tutto perso.....

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 123 days ago (edited 6 years 123 days ago)
I close the topic, we are working on it, it won't help any more messages about it, it will only increase alarmism.
You don't need to warn that you have been affected, we have a list of accounts that have been affected by this bug. We will solve it and everything will return to normal.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience

Xjzj Anaj medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago