Quick Silver medal 5000 7 years 345 days ago
G'day Paul, once your current season ends you can leave league without a penalty, as you may already know it's when you leave a league during a season which you be penalized for.

Joe Bob medal 5000 7 years 329 days ago
Tier winners and promotions in the 91st Champions League season
1st David Blacke, Manager of White Tiger Racing Team.*
2nd, Raju Yanamala, Manager of Torque Racing.*
3rd,Davif Pun, Manager of Viva Racing.
1st, Javier Garcia Sendra, Manager of Poco Tosso.*
2nd, Ross Sipit, Manager of Brawn Ferrari .*
3rd, Stefan Lepicier-Gibson, Manager of Fury F1.
1st, Jaga Cita, Manager of F1 Maestoso Allegro Murk.
2nd, Alex Bastos, Manager of AMB Racing.
3rd, Jamie R, Manager of Spider Pig Racing.
* promoted mangers
congratulations to the team championship winners and to those that will be promoted to next level
- the 92nd season start's on the 13th April 2017, so come along and have a look to see if your interested.
- aussie times are 7pm(1900) east, 5pm(1700) wa. 630pm(1830) sa,nt
- at this stage rookie tier is full, pro has 8 spots and elite is full,
Keith Zerafa

James Renwick medal 5000 7 years 315 days ago
Just joined. Please be gentle

Joe Bob medal 5000 7 years 310 days ago
Tier winners and promotions for the 92nd Champions League season
1st Samori3 Rhoden1, Manager of Monster Energy.*
2nd, Paul McBride, Manager of McSteal.*
3rd, Mixi 45 Racing, Manager of Redding 45 Scotty.
1st, Stefan Lepicier-Gibson, Manager of Fury F1.*
2nd, Jamie White, Manager of JCAZ Team.
3rd, Oelof Rossouw, Manager of WaspRacing.
1st, Jaga Cita, Manager of F1 Maestoso Allegro Murk.
2nd, Alex Bastos, Manager of AMB Racing.
3rd, Yobie Anggara, Manager of Anggara46 Racing Team.
* promoted mangers
congratulations to the team championship winners and to those that will be promoted to next level
- the 93rd season start's on the 2nd May 2017, so come along and have a look to see if your interested.
- aussie times are 7pm(1900) east, 5pm(1700) wa. 630pm(1830) sa,nt
- at this stage rookie tier is full, pro has 1 spot and elite is has 1 spot left.
Keith Zerafa

Joe Bob medal 5000 7 years 289 days ago
- the 94th season start's on the 21st may, 2017, so come along and have a look to see if your interested.
- aussie times are 7pm(1900) east, 5pm(1700) wa. 630pm(1830) sa,nt
- at this stage rookie tier has 4 spots, pro has 1 spot and elite is has 1 spot left.
Keith Zerafa

Joe Bob medal 5000 7 years 114 days ago
I am please to announce that Kim Robins has agree to take over from myself as the new host of Champions League, Kim has been a great supporter and will take the league to new and bigger heights
best of luck Kim