Good evening everyone,
All qualification dates, draw and the race calendar are available on page one
The access to the leagues for the qualification will be given 2 days before the race here (page one)
Every teams has a captain, I advise to contact him to join their private group and chat with your teammates
List of captains:
Italia: Gian Michele Pisanu
North America: Richard Herman
United Kingdom: Cameron Pollock
Brazil : Winston Smith
Turkey: Hüseyin Satıcı
Asia : Ross Brawn
Rest of World: Omar Sherif
Germany: JNS NTFR
Hungary: Karesz Péterfi
Poland : Komornik Elite
Benelux: Helmet Mango
France : Valentin Cordier
Spain : ?
Portugal : Orlando Bordeaux
South america: Alexis Martinez
Est Europe: Jiří Kratochvíl