It's over five thousand!

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 17:35

Excuse my butchered internet meme of a headline, but I bear interesting statistics. iGP Manager recently reached over 5000 users, with a slightly more impressive 5.7 million laps completed between them. That's about 45,000 laps per day since launch, or over 1000 races per day.

It's very good to see this kind of activity so early in the project, and I would like to thank everyone for their support so far.

Someone give him a holo-Grammy

In other news, Tupac was revived in holographic form yesterday. I wonder how long it is before this sort of thing becomes commonplace. Of course this isn't the first time a hologram has appeared on stage, but it is impressive nonetheless. See the video below (contains strong language).


Jack's Blog

Jack is Managing Director at iGP Games and the developer behind the web game and overall gameplay design of iGP Manager
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Yunus Unia Blunion 9 years 94 days ago
I'd like to know how many users are on iGP now, as well as subscribers!
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