Three questions with Jeffrey Wolff
By Steve Myers
Last updated: Wed, 22 May 2013 19:59
How do you feel about reaching the number one rank?
Awesome! This is why I play this game to be the best. It was quite a struggle to get positive reputation points after the races this season. I needed to be in the top 5 to gain +1 and in my league it is already hard to be even in the top 10. In the first half of the season I was only loosing points because I had to get my car up to speed. But after I done that I gained it all back in the second half of the season and with winning the championship two times in a row I could even break the 9000 reputation barrier.
What's your secret?
I always try to be adaptable during the races. I always start with a base strategy which I think is the fastest. But usually I have to change things around by adding extra laps to stints to stay ahead of the competition.
What's your next goal?
Obvious to stay on the number one rank. I know it is going to be tough because the competition is really close by. I am pretty sure I’ll lose some ground in the beginning of the season that starts in 2 days again. But I’ll stay positive and will be fighting towards the end.
Tendi nada q vcs tão falando.
how did you start off?
Well, i want to lead only in my Country, and that goal is Pretty Close ;) SLOVAKIA GOOOO :D
Watch out im coming!! lol
Quite e few people snapping at your heels though - so watch out next season - it should be interesting
Top 5 to gain +1... damn !