It’s here!

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Sun, 28 Aug 2016 21:24

So, the new era is upon us with the release of the new web app on I’d like to open by thanking everyone for the overwhelmingly positive response to the new game, and your understanding during this transition period as we migrate all of the teams and data.

It’s very important to us that the game remains as balanced as possible, and while we are actively working on many things behind the scenes, we’re doing our best to resolve early issues from the migration quickly and take decisive action.

Today, we’ve applied some significant re-balancing effects across the board to level the playing field.

Re-balancing: Levels & Tokens

During normal gameplay, a manager joining the game is level-capped and has to race to earn XP and unlock higher levels. This progress cannot be bought and it prevents any pay-to-win scenarios. For example, if a new manager spent £1,000,000 on tokens, he would not be able to reach the same level as another manager who played for two weeks and spent nothing. That is because you can’t raise the level cap with tokens, only accelerate some items up to the level cap, which is experience-limited.

One abnormal situation created by the migration is managers up to level 20 arriving as “new” players with level 1 facilities. Reaching such high levels would normally take months, and so you would have progressed far beyond level 1 facilities in this time.

Another abnormal scenario from the migration is drivers and staff having skills above the manager’s level cap as they were brought across.

So, to re-balance old teams in the new iGP we have done the following:

  • Reduced all driver & staff skills which exceeded a manager’s level cap down to the level cap value (excluding Talent), this should bring the overall levels also in to alignment and massively balance out leagues
  • Raised all facilities in the Headquarters to 70% of the manager’s level cap to prevent Token spending on upgrades handing anyone an unfair advantage (Note: If you had spent tokens on an upgrade of a facility, we’ve automatically reimbursed them. You may need to refresh the web app to see this)

[EDIT: It was brought to my attention that not every team had their driver levels reduced appropriately, so I ran a second pass just now (21:23 GMT) over driver skills which will have reduced any that were missed first time around]

Now that we're confident nobody can gain an unfair advantage by using Tokens, as we've levelled the playing field, my personal focus for the remainder of today will be getting the shop online. [Update: As of 16:00 GMT the shop is now online for Tokens purchases]

Over the next few weeks there will be more balancing challenges, but we can anticipate what they will be and we are already working on solutions. For example, a new spies system is in development (although it will not arrive for at least 2 weeks, most likely) which will significantly reduce the advantage that high level teams have if they are in the same league as a much lower level team.

The XP gained after each race is also set to be dynamic very soon, and based on the level of the opposition, meaning you will level up faster if you are racing higher level managers. This will also act as a competition leveller over time, and a good incentive to seek out the strongest opposition.


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Mejarkon Saj 5 years 304 days ago
I am having the mirroring Problem When I am playing HD material with Asus laptop with apple tv. But we are also able to improve a sluggish OS system with its Performance. But I am also getting more related to speed up an issue in laptop and it will show me an error code 0xc0000185. Do you know anything about it? I also saw this blog related issue at

Sandeep Tiwary 8 years 15 days ago
Hi Jack,pls look into it. based on any performance if you can manage the talent attribute of drivers. I understand itz totally managers game but manager's driver talent should also be upgraded if he z performing and winning the consecutive races.

request you to include this improvement in future development.

iGP Staff Jack Basford 8 years 18 days ago
Hi Sandeep, it's true that talent can not be trained.
Sandeep Tiwary 8 years 18 days ago
@Alexis thanks for information, so what i understand the talent will remain same for any driver and there is no way to increase it?

@jack can u confirm this pls, i dun wanna loose the driver as i nurtured him since long time and its 4 or 5th season with it and m winning the races with him, looking for switching to a competitive league, but this attribute can pull my performance.

whether this increases or not i definitely going to switch that's different story ;)
iGP Staff Jack Basford 8 years 19 days ago
Hi Enzo, we are working on releasing a new viewer tomorrow which will hopefully improve performance for low-end machines. I am not sure it will make any difference in your case, but we can see.
Enzo Terreno 8 years 21 days ago
Hi Jack. I have a problem to visualize the race. I can see the car numbers (and the cars if I zoom in), the leaderboard, sectors time, and the details of my drivers (car, team radio, strategy). Everything works but the background, which is made of a sort of patchwork of different screens of my laptop (e.g. desktop, softwares...). Do you have any suggestions? I have a Macbook pro with MacOSX Yosemite...It is really a pity because one of my preferred option of iGP is the live race....Many thanks
iGP Staff Jack Basford 8 years 21 days ago
Hi Danny, whenever this happens it's because Facebook is linked to two accounts and the system can't understand which one to login. Paste me a link to both profiles and tell me which one to link it to and I will do it manually.
Danny Williams 8 years 21 days ago
Hi Jack i have a simple problem. One of my teams from the old game was on an account though facebook. i cant access it now. so what do i do
Alexis Fatsas 8 years 21 days ago
I agree training now is tougher especially hoping to lower the drivers weight.. But Sandeep, you could never increasae a driver's talent with training or any other way. You have to scout or hire another more talented driver.
Sandeep Tiwary 8 years 21 days ago
Hi JACK i'm training driver but results are *No Change* i need my _Talent_ attribute to enhance
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