Developer Blog 2

By Andrew Hurn
Last updated: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 22:33

To make overtaking easier we have increased the effect of DRS.

I mentioned last time that we were working on some changes to overtaking. We have broken this down into a number of smaller changes and we are ready to release the first of those which is a change to increase the effect of DRS.

Currently some of the DRS zones have little or no effect at all while some others require KERS to make a pass. We have therefore increased the effect of DRS. This is an overall setting and as such the increase will apply in the same way at all tracks. This means that some of the shorter zones now allow you to pass without KERS and some of the longer zones will allow you to pass from further behind. We have tested this extensively and believe we are at an appropriate level, but we need your feedback to tell us if we have the level correct. This change will be released on Monday morning and we hope that this will improve your gaming experience.

You may recall also that we were making some changes in an attempt to reduce crashes. We had identified a problem with the server handling the database and had upgraded it. You may have seen in an update here, that we upgraded this service again. Since then, we have not had a simulator crash. There have been some instances of all managers being removed from a race, it continues and they are able to log back into the race after 30 seconds or so. We will be monitoring the service to identify why this is happening and if you experience one of these events, please make a note of the time and let me know. We can then investigate what was happening to the system at that time.

I am pleased to report that we have some other changes we are working on and I look forward to telling you about them here soon. Please direct your questions to me.


iGP Developer Blog

The latest news about technical and gameplay developments on iGP Manager
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Andrew Hurn 11 years 151 days ago
Thank you for that Brett. I am glad to see that the change has affected more than just DRS. We firmly believe too that this will give an extra dimension to strategy, now that you can pass more easliy.
Brett Wilson 11 years 151 days ago
.....part 2.... 0.7-0.9 sec away from the car in front. given the conditions of that race myself I had a very heavy wet weather setup (stopped raining at start track dried within a few laps) so I will be interested to see the performance of DRS when all cars are on a dry setup just for a comparison. I believe that now DRS will become an important part of strategy. So far so good guys a job well done myself and others believe that this is a great improvement.
Brett Wilson 11 years 151 days ago
damit additonal post did upload grrrr will conitue later
Brett Wilson 11 years 151 days ago
Thanks for popping in last night guys... (Andrew and jack) other than a fantastic race the DRS seemed to be working well i found that most times cars that where 0.5 sec behind most of the times managed to get past a car whether it was for position or back markers.there were a few occasions where it took them an extra lap or so to get by i didn't get many opportunities to test KERS + DRS (twice only) and when i did i was anywhere from.................
Andrew Hurn 11 years 152 days ago

Further to the above...

This change will be released in approximately 10 hours. That's around 09:00 GMT, 10:00 BST.

I will be around all day to monitor the situation. I will be in game, spectating and responding to posts on the above forum page. I will also be on Skype, ANDREW.HURN.iGP and on Rob Musgrove's Teamspeak service in the iGP rooms.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Andrew Hurn 11 years 152 days ago
Eric, It hasn't been deployed yet

"This change will be released on Monday morning "
Eric Dias 11 years 152 days ago
I didn't see improvement on the main problem: backmarkers. I lost 2 secs in a position fight because of a backmarker who was not overtaken even in DRS zone. Totally useless this patch.
Andrew Hurn 11 years 152 days ago
There are 2 work streams at this time. Reduce lag & fix things which are broken. For us DRS was broken, we believe this will fix it
Lukas Kvietkauskas 11 years 152 days ago
what about new tracks? we are running the same tracks all the time
Clark Lawson 11 years 153 days ago
Great work, I'm looking forward to seeing the results on Monday.
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