Survey and developer update

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:09

We want your feedback!

Today we're launching a survey which gives you a chance to steer the future development of iGP Manager. It covers current and future versions of iGP Manager and will be very influential in the path we take with development in 2015.

Take the survey

New payment system

After receiving several requests from people in nations such as Lebanon to offer an alternative payment method, we have added support for the Stripe payment processing system. This should allow anyone in nations not supported by PayPal, or who chooses not to use PayPal, to purchase a 2D Pack subscription or reward points.

Manage my subscriptions

Developer update

In other news, I recently moved to Norway! There were some pretty monumental screw-ups by the postal service in getting my PC delivered here, but now that it is finally here I've been able to resume work on iGP Manager. Chris has also started some important development projects.

Here's what we're currently working on:

  • Correcting some glitches on circuits (Monaco pit lane, Brazil pit lane). We know how to fix these issues, but are having some obstacles put in the way of applying the updates. When they are ready, they will be released.
  • Fixing a security issue with Java, which we believe may be causing several people to be unable to load the viewers
  • This week I was also creating the survey you will hopefully take part in (link above). We will use the data we gather from this survey to direct our development projects in 2015.
  • For the final quarter of 2014 we will primarily be working on improving the stability of the service and better administrative tools. This will allow us to finish several major gameplay updates which have been in the pipeline. The main reason some major gameplay updates have stayed under wraps is actually that the service wouldn't be able to meet the demand if we released them. This limitation became apparent in earlier releases which caused connectivity problems. We have already started to address it, but it is a big project which may still take 2-3 months. It's a good problem to have, though!
  • We will be making other updates to the game in the run up to 2015, but which direction we take will depend on the results of the survey

iGP Developer Blog

The latest news about technical and gameplay developments on iGP Manager
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César Pasini 10 years 165 days ago
One thing that should also be analyzed by the developers of the game, is the criterion of XP points gained and lost. Managers who does not participate in races, not lose points. I think I should rather lose because it is unfair you participate in races and in order to lose 20 or 30 points of XPs, while those not participating are stationed at points without losing or gaining anything. Thanks.
James Thorpe 10 years 174 days ago
Where in Norway have you moved to? Im from Stavanger!!!!
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