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the players without time for every race

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medal 5000
6 years 363 days ago (edited 6 years 363 days ago)
It is the same like other Online-Games last 20 Years! Every Player with a "normal" real life will stop to play. Why?
Because the developers are not able to give the people with less time the possiblity to play the game.
Thousends of Games are dead today, because of this fact!

It is so simple:
A replay of the live-race would help to analyse the race and would be a real motivation for playing without time for LIVE.
Without a push-level per turn is the same player without chance. I saw the posts on this topic, but I saw not one reasonable counter-argument.

Sorry, I am not a kid! I have to work and I have no motivation to change my life for a Game. iGP is a really cool Game, but I have not the time to be online every race.

There is no argument against this post, except he offline player should be banned!
Please, make a change in your philosophy!
medal 5000
6 years 363 days ago (edited 6 years 363 days ago)
Just look through this post, no point in saying the same things again...
Link to a post with a different suggestion, but the same goal
There are many valid arguments against the goal you are trying to achieve, and also some great suggestions near the end

Idk why you can't join a league with a different start time. I know you don't have time, but if you don't even have enough time to look at how the game works, you shouldn't be playing the game! :D
medal 5000
6 years 363 days ago
If I remember correctly, in the beginning when selecting a league to join, it did say to select a timezone, in which you will be most likely to be free :-)

Perhaps selecting a time slot in which you are free, could allow you to enjoy racing live :-) For me, that's the best part of the game ;-)
medal 5000
6 years 363 days ago
... you shouldn't be playing the game! :D

Yes, maybe it will be the best, but read my last sentence:

Please, make a change in your philosophy!

My post is not against the game - but your answer is it.

You can not care if the game breaks because of your view. The operators should decide and my post should be a suggestion to open ther eyes. iGP is not my project, which breaks down because the developers are listening to the wrong persons.

Sorry, but maybe there are 10.000 players, who are still here, if it is not so important to be online while live-race. We cannot ask the 10.000 player, because they are away!!!! But I can discuss with 100 players who have no problem with this fact.

I think it's better that the financial officer at iGP does not talk to the satisfied players, but with someone who suggest improvements! Because with the 10,000 players who are already gone, they can not talk anymore.

Sorry for the hard words, but this is the reallity!

(I checked the new players for 3 seasons. 95% of the rookie players are inactive within 3 days. This is not funny!)
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 362 days ago
5% after 3 days is actually pretty good numbers for a free online gaming App or browser game. Especially with the problem that there are no non-league races/tournaments to hop in for a quick race if you fancy, yet.

Back to the topic, I think there should be nothing that would speak against a replay of the race, with different speed settings. That would even be a cool thing if you manage live most of the races.

I'm a bit torn about the push levels, that is currently the only real tool giving live managing a use and you can perfectly run races without it if you're in a league that isn't that active managing live as well, or if you're just better than those that are online. But the point is quite moot because there were already plans to change the push system to be relative to the tyre used. If that happens it would open up the ability to always use the extreme ends of the tyre spectrum in an offline strategy, which is currently the only big problem there.

The problem is there are only 16 manager in a 2 car league at most. If offline would be equally competetive it places the league hosts between that then even bigger rock of keeping their league active and the now new hard place of being that asshole for kicking players that are not online often enough. Currently if a league is truly active and competetive less active player are better off looking for a better suited league for their playing style, although more often it's the active players that have the problem of finding and getting a place in an active one, and thus things, more or less, sort itself out. If that sorting incentive is removed it's either the league hosts being strict and kick anyone not meeting activity rules or risk the inactive players kill their league, because naturally everyone is drawn towards the more well known active and competetive leagues and with those leagues gone it would kill the game for those manager that like to compete with their fellow managers in those well visited live races.
medal 5000
6 years 361 days ago
Christian I here what your saying, I work a lot too generally 11-12 hours a day. I started a league with my brother and we choose the time of the race to suit us. It’s not hard and who cares what other people think just enjoy the game now other wise you’ll be moaning when it’s gone too
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