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medal 5000
6 years 362 days ago
Now with the suppliers update we have more choice and the game is even more strategic, that's great!

But I think it's not right the limit at 100. For example, if I have Murk or Tifosi, I pay the most, but from about the 8th-9th race (when I reach the 100 cap design) I'm gonna be just penalized for the -6 in fuel, even if I have the more expensive supplier. I think that's not fair, we should go over the limit of 100.
medal 5002
6 years 362 days ago
yeah u just change to all the 'poor' suppliers that give no Minus's on any parts etc for 2nd half of season as they are best then. (cosurworthit - chavon - Komehome)
medal 5000
6 years 358 days ago
I am also confused about the absolute limit of 100.
medal 5006
6 years 358 days ago
Dont you think 110 acceleration & 90 Fuel economy is better than both @ 100 ?
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 358 days ago
The current absolute cap of 100 can't be easily removed it seems, the game as it is doesn't allow values higher than 100. From another thread:
We can look at reducing the designs people start with, the impacts of research or other factors if you're maxed out by race 9. Open to suggestions (in the suggestions forum). :)

The cap of 100 isn't flexible at the moment for technical reasons. It may be something we revisit also if it's a popular idea.

But as that reply by Jack suggests the devs are open to work on this if there's enough demand. I'm very much for it, some higher or better a soft cap could make cars different until the very last race. But if it's just to let those new suppliers make sense for a whole season would be worth it.

I'm not so sure if things like lowering the starting stats of the cars or cutting down research would change much. At least not for the supplier situation. Lowering the design points given by the HQ quite drastically would but I doubt that's really desirable. Entering one or two new stats that matter, or upgrading the importance of the 2 less important and more so the 2 almost useless car attributes would help, but that might require even more work than reworking the attribute system to allow higher values than 100. So if someone has a nice and simple (to program in) idea, now it's just the right time for it. ;-)
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