Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 310 days ago
I needed to post here, for some assistance, and possibly suggestions. I've been trying to hire a new driver, but I cannot sign them because despite offering them the position of Driver 1, I cannot raise the wage above 1,250,000, and because of this, they will not accept.
I admit that it's a ludicrous amount to pay for a driver, but I'm adamant on having this particular driver, and I'm wondering whether I can be helped with this, or whether I can suggest being able to increase the wage I can pay :)

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 310 days ago
Is there a reason given why he rejected?
Not wage related, but comment on him [assuming you have done this already] , you can then do it again after 5 races. I'm pretty sure theres "something" that checks where you are in the championship, as i've had drivers reject me for a number of reasons [wages, relationship with me, how competitive team is]
or pm me a link to him and i'll see if he rejects my contract as well :)

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 309 days ago
I'm pretty sure that he can only accept a contract from me, and the relationship doesn't matter in this particular case. The only thing that the driver says, is that he expects a better wage, which is something I can't give him if it limits it to that much :P
I'm trying not to give away too much information, because it may be able to give me a slight edge...although I doubt it xD

Shane Hendrixson medal 5000 12 years 309 days ago
cant you just manually backspace the offer and type out something higher?

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 309 days ago (edited 12 years 309 days ago)
cant you just manually backspace the offer and type out something higher?
no there is an upper limit [
1,250,000 i think] i assume it was to stop people exploiting etc, but looks like no1 has been high enough level for a driver to request more than that amount [until now]
Shane Hendrixson medal 5000 12 years 309 days ago
Oh right, I wasn't aware of that. My bad.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
Any news on this?

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
Can i please have a driver name?

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
What good would that do? :P

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
O just for the future, checking etc

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
Well, for now, I'm keeping the driver in question hidden, and I'm sure you'll understand why ;) - I'd be happy to send the driver information to Andrew or Jack obviously, if they need it to see where the problem lies.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 305 days ago
Yeah, please send me the info via PM (driver ID in particular) and I'll check it out.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 305 days ago
That's been sent now, thanks Jack.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 304 days ago
Fixed this last night. It happened if the driver was above level 10. It was a bit of old math left over from the early beta when the levels were 1-10 instead of 1-20!

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 304 days ago
Fantastic - I think I'll try my hand at hiring this driver then, and see what happens :)

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 304 days ago
Fantastic - I think I'll try my hand at hiring this driver then, and see what happens :)
i know who it is i think LOL, secrets safe with me though

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 304 days ago
Well, you should tell me who you think it is - but it is about to be announced on Speed Series news :D

Nick Randall medal 5000 12 years 304 days ago
You sir, are a git :)
We don't stand a chance next season

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 304 days ago
You sir, are a git :)
We don't stand a chance next season
That's the hope ;) lol - I still think I'll have some tough competition from a certain Mr. Brady though...

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 303 days ago
But Jack, a level 14 driver should ask more, somewhere above 2 million wage I reckon. Look at GPRO and their insane demands. Here, you simply can't waste money. Not to mention you can mock the system, if you have a lot of money. You can fire a driver and immediately rehire him.
And to Jamie's case. Why Davies accepted to race for him again, after being dumped ? He should have asked more ! I would.