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Friend can not login

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medal 5000
6 years 140 days ago
He tried to change an email address and password but he said his phone was playing up so possibly entered the wrong characters. 
He has no idea what the password could be and can not get it reset because he had same problem with entering email address.

Ie he typed google, but phone put gooogle. 

Any ideas ?

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 140 days ago
Hi Steve, tell your friend to send an email to with the following information,  you can find this back also in the FAQ thread pinned at the top of the help&support forum:

I lost access to my account, what can I do?
Please e-mail with the following information:
1. The name of your profile, team, and league of your account you lost access to
2. The e-mail address you'd like to link your account to if it isn't linked to one already
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