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My league has been stolen

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medal 5000
5 years 188 days ago
I just been informed from the team of my league that the administrator has been changhed! Whitout any my approval! Is it this possible! Can averybody still other leagues!?
Sorry but this is not acceptable!
As every manager know, it cost alot of time to get a result into you league (full teams for each category, players happy, adjustment of the rules). And then!? Is permitted to stole the league and all the progress of 1 year!?
medal 5000
5 years 188 days ago
Hi Dani
Were you racing in the league you were host of?
From the sounds of it you were not so if that is the case then yes you can lose the host of that league. 
medal 5000
5 years 188 days ago
Here the link if my league:
I was racing in a different league with my team but i was managing the old one untill yesterday.
medal 5000
5 years 188 days ago
Like I said Dani
You were not racing in the league you were host of, So anyone in that league had the right to take over hosting after they raced 17 races in that league. To make sure you hold onto a league you host in you must race in this league now. The rule was changed a few weeks ago and a post was put in the announcement forum about it which I have put the link to that announcement here for you to read through. So your league was not stolen.
Host rules changes
medal 5000
5 years 188 days ago
Omg! I'm not agree this rule, but I cant do anithing now, right? Anyway... thanks for the explanation... 
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