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New: Takeover from inactive hosts

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medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 163 days ago
If your league has an inactive host and you're an active member of the league, you may now be able to automatically take over hosting. This does not require the consent of the old host or any intervention from support and will replace our forum thread on the matter of inactive league hosts.


  • An inactive host is defined as one who has not logged in for 14+ days

  • To take over hosting, you must be an active participant in the league and have completed at least 20 consecutive races in the league

  • Anybody within the league may take over hosting in this manner - it's granted a first-come-first-served basis. The first person to claim the inactive host's responsibilities will become host.

How-to use:

  • The new option is only visible on the 'League info' dialog, accessible from the info icon on the 'League' page

  • If your host has not logged in for the required amount of time, you will see the option to "Become the host"

  • Click "Become the host", if it is visible, and confirm your choice to become league host - it's as simple as that

medal 5000
6 years 163 days ago
Hi Jack

I have just tried to do this in this league but when I press the button it greys out and nothing happens. I tried refreshing the screen but nothing changes.

medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 163 days ago
Hi Simon, I'll have to check that when I get in later this evening. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 162 days ago
I have just tried to do this in this league but when I press the button it greys out and nothing happens. I tried refreshing the screen but nothing changes.

I found the problem. You have only completed 15 races in the league - it should not have been showing the option to take over hosting, so I've made this much clearer now.
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
Thanks Jack

I thought that may have been the case but when it allowed me to press the button i thought I must have met the criteria outlined above. Will just need to wait another 5 races now.

What happens if you are in a league where you are the only one say in Pro tier and races are cancelled. Do these still count towards the 20 consecutive races?
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
Ill try again here.
Our league host has quit our league.
He just gets on once every week to stay host of the league. That wont do when problems arise.
If your all not willing to give it to me please force a vote so we dont all have to start looking for a new league.
Im not the only one with concerns so... just hold a vote. It would be nice to keep the group together at the cost of one next-2-none active host.
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
I called for a vote when Jason reappeared a few races ago .. I don't understand why someone would want to carry on when its apparent that plenty of the active players in the league want him to vacate. Trouble is he's going to make sure he doesn't break the 14+ day rule so it's always going to be on his terms not what others want which is a real shame. 
So Jason (I'm sure youre reading all these post. Vacate, put it to a vote .. if you have any respect for this league and it's active players. 
medal 5088
6 years 161 days ago
I will see what we can do and if an alternative can be reached.
medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
There should be no alternative.
Previous rules on overtaking clearly stated one can not take control of a league if not a member of the league.
One should not be allowed to keep control of a league if he leaves the league.
We had 3 races that did not get rerun last season. And 1 this season. 
But its fine. I left, the host returned.
I will cry and get ignored again next time i face the same problem.
medal 5088
6 years 161 days ago

There should be no alternative.
Previous rules on overtaking clearly stated one can not take control of a league if not a member of the league.
One should not be allowed to keep control of a league if he leaves the league.
We had 3 races that did not get rerun last season. And 1 this season. 
But its fine. I left, the host returned.
I will cry and get ignored again next time i face the same problem.

I think you misunderstood. I meant I'll check if it's possible to add other, separate, conditions on who can be a league host.
medal 5648
6 years 161 days ago
Could you not create a new position within the league.,...say, it vice host? Like a vice- chairperson of an organisation or club. That person has almost the same function as the host but with some rectrictions!!!!!

Any views on this?
medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
This will change nothing if the host has double accounts in one league. He will make himself vice president n overrule everything.
medal 5000
6 years 146 days ago
The league hosts go to other leagues ... please jack how can I become a host

League name : indonesia kenjeran series 
Url league :

Host name : Zafran Attarahman
Url host name  : 
medal 5677 Community Manager
6 years 146 days ago

The league hosts go to other leagues ... please jack how can I become a host

League name : indonesia kenjeran series 
Url league :

Host name : Zafran Attarahman
Url host name  : 

You’re right, your host isn’t in the league since 2017. Changes applied.
medal 5000
6 years 146 days ago


The league hosts go to other leagues ... please jack how can I become a host

League name : indonesia kenjeran series 
Url league :

Host name : Zafran Attarahman
Url host name  : 

You’re right, your host isn’t in the league since 2017. Changes applied.

then, I want a host change ....

medal 5677 Community Manager
6 years 146 days ago



The league hosts go to other leagues ... please jack how can I become a host

League name : indonesia kenjeran series 
Url league :

Host name : Zafran Attarahman
Url host name  : 

You’re right, your host isn’t in the league since 2017. Changes applied.

then, I want a host change ....

“Changes applied”, you’re host since 3 h ago.
medal 5000
6 years 146 days ago
Thank's jose . . . 
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 144 days ago
I have also just applied an update to this feature. If a host has not been in the league they are hosting for 14 days or more, they will also be classed as inactive.

So, if you are in a league where the host has been outside of your league for 14+ days, you can now take over hosting of that league.
medal 5000
6 years 144 days ago

This is a message I posted before I heard about this absurd feature...

"I have a very scary bug in both of my leagues. If you click on the "more information" button it says inactive league host detected. I've tested this on another one of my accounts which is inside one of the leagues and surely enough I can quite easily just press the "become host button" which I won't do because it might cause other problems...

Please fix this because I literally log in everyday so clearly I'm not an "inactive host" and I should be safe from being replaced! What if a random rookie just stole the league from me or a troll!

I have now been forced to switch my hosting to other accounts otherwise I would be risking too much"

It's just unfair to league hosts who prefer to focus on hosting rather than racing. Just make it so that if you're outside of the league for 14+ days and also offline for 5 days then you can be replaced. I've been hosting my leagues for years and I've never spent more than 2 days offline, why should I be replaced?
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 144 days ago
I understand there are some exceptions to the rule, but 90% of the time a host outside of the league is not actively hosting it. We need to make rules for the majority. We can't have 90% busted leagues because 10% are run well, sorry.

Can you please share the link to the league which is saying you are inactive when you are not? I will investigate further. You say you have several leagues and/or accounts but didn't provide any links, so I will need links and more information before I can do anything about it. It would take all day to try and find it.
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