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New: Takeover from inactive hosts

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medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago (edited 6 years 129 days ago)
@Jack Basford, is this issue with J.M. an isolated incident or are you and the Mods snowed under with complaints about active managers managing a league in which they are currently not competing?
If it's only a low volume of incidents then perhaps the best solution is to retain forced takeover from inactive hosts. For active/remote hosts let the senior mods investigate and only where the majority of the league are unhappy should the host be forcibly removed and replaced by another.
In my opinion the current system is open to abuse as demonstrated by Dex Xed.
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 132 days ago
I see, but do you really think this would be a common enough occurrence to warrant not implementing such a system? A generally good host can surely outweigh 'troll votes' with enough positive ones.

Returning to the question then, I'm not sure about re-rating a host, but maybe rating them *again* after a certain amount of time could be possible? E.g. monthly.

In other games I'd say yes, but I don't know in iGP. I've only been member of two leagues basically and both are really great ones with nice people and I have not much insight into others. The forums crowd here generally is a good one, too, so it might be not much of a problem here.

Once a month should work too, although I'd still prefer altering the vote/rating because I'm not sure if people want, and remember, to vote every month.
I think this would be alot easier.

For where it al started was that we (as not being host) are not allowed to request reruns.
I think simplest solution would be to drop the rule where only hosts can request rerun.
And when someone request a rerun an admin should force a vote in the league.
(The vote would b there so that pathetic losers dont request reruns everytime they cant attend or simply lose due to bad results)
This way even terrible hosts like jason mcrae can stay host.

Basically, we need a go-around thats not going to be ignored due to someone not being host.

Probably not that much easier to add to the game and it just automates one possibly neglected task of a host, albeit a time sensitive and important one, instead of addressing the host problem itself. But time might be a bit of a problem to run a vote as well, at least for leagues racing every day.
medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
I see, but do you really think this would be a common enough occurrence to warrant not implementing such a system? A generally good host can surely outweigh 'troll votes' with enough positive ones.

Returning to the question then, I'm not sure about re-rating a host, but maybe rating them *again* after a certain amount of time could be possible? E.g. monthly.

In other games I'd say yes, but I don't know in iGP. I've only been member of two leagues basically and both are really great ones with nice people and I have not much insight into others. The forums crowd here generally is a good one, too, so it might be not much of a problem here.

Once a month should work too, although I'd still prefer altering the vote/rating because I'm not sure if people want, and remember, to vote every month.

I dont mind voting every month, and if that will be the final solution i will certainly vote every month, but i dont think everyone will, so it might give a false perspective.

Furthermore. Our problem occurred within two weeks time so voting every month would seem to me too big a timespan.

If my option for a rerun race button is not a possibility id say rating and re-rating might be the best option.
I dont know how that would work tho.

I still think it be easier to cancel the 'only host can request reruns' rule, 
As previously stated a secondary or vice-host which can act on behalf of the neglegent host in case of reruns.
(Which may also be due to vacation or whatever)
But this vice host must be in the league at all times so we dont double down on the same problem
Further requirements should be activity, and not the same person as the host, nor a secondary account
Perhaps assign the 2nd host by vote from the league.

medal 4542
6 years 131 days ago
So now because one thing has been introduced, we now have more problems? Two suggestions from me and Bo weren't even mutually discussed or debated but rather ignored. Dex lost his league and the main problem, the main reason why the issue was brought up hasn't even been fixed or addressed. How did we turn a problem about ignored reruns into a problem about host activity and more importantly which do you really want to solve iGP? Because currently no one's happy...
medal 5738
6 years 131 days ago
There is any way to take over the management of the league if manager is off for long? 
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 131 days ago

There is any way to take over the management of the league if manager is off for long? 

Yes, read the first post of this thread, it's all explained in there.
medal 5000
6 years 129 days ago

I have also just applied an update to this feature. If a host has not been in the league they are hosting for 14 days or more, they will also be classed as inactive.

So, if you are in a league where the host has been outside of your league for 14+ days, you can now take over hosting of that league.

With greatest respect for you Jack. I have nothing against it (I can find even some positives with that) but it was quite big change and I feel it was introduced quietly. Over 2 weeks after main change without any news in first post or iGP blog. I didn't notice that and today I've lost my league, wich was quite important thing to me (I've managed it nearly everyday so it is in good condition). With a lot of disscusion (topics+posts) on forum and many, many days after opening this topic it's easy to lost this important information. I think you could think about kind of weekly blog where you would annouced this kind of 'smaller' changes.

medal 5000
6 years 129 days ago (edited 6 years 129 days ago)
I haven't read all of this thread so I don't know if the idea was commented on much but I like the idea of a vice host, or 2nd in command. Sure, it won't solve some of the problems being discussed here but in our case it would be brilliant. Our league in its current state was formed when 2 leagues merged, I hosted one and my 2nd in command hosted the other. I don't know if you've seen my thread in the general discussion about my health but due to me having to go into hospital to have treatment for cancer and my subsequent recovery, I felt it necessary to step down as host while I recover, the transition would have been so much easier if we'd had an official vice host.
One more thing, it seems to me that a lot of the problems with inactive hosts that are being discussed here are the result of people having multiple accounts, maybe if this practice was stopped, things would be simpler
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 129 days ago (edited 6 years 129 days ago)
A lot of the discussion in this thread has moved away from the general discussion to be a fight around personal and specific situations, going around in circles the whole time. This general announcement topic is not the place to fight personal battles, it is meant for general discussions and suggestions around this announcement. I'm going to delete all posts that deviate from the general discussion and we will keep doing so going forward if they appear again in this topic. If you have a specific situation you want to discuss or want to get looked into, you can open a separate support topic for it or use

We will keep this thread open to allow general discussion to continue.
medal 5738
6 years 128 days ago
It is possible to manager 2 different team total 4 car? 
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 128 days ago

It is possible to manager 2 different team total 4 car? 

Yes, if you make 2 accounts with 2 different email addresses. 

(My first thought was that this question is off-topic here, and strictly spoken it is, but I understand that the discussion that was going on here can trigger that question)

medal 5000
6 years 128 days ago (edited 6 years 128 days ago)
Why would you want to host a league if you not wanting to race?
Am i right in thinking that if you have 2 races a week and you go on holiday for 14 days so you cannot sign on or race you can come back to find that you are no longer a host get real a 14 day holiday after working all year and you lose your league think concept is good but host should be able to have something to stop it in times like holiday
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 128 days ago
I think if founding a league and managing it well, but then leaving it because the own preferences changed, or because the team sort of outgrew the league, makes you still want to keep the league. Sometimes a second team joined instead and people just didn't transfer the league host to it because it didn't make a difference until now, or the first team is the one they mostly log in unless it's to prepare for and race the second team.

For the holidays, if a host is really not able to be online for at least 14 days due to holidays then it's probably best to transfer the host to another trustworthy manager. The problem with this update is that about anyone just can click that button now. Though, best and easiest way (for the players) would be indeed the ability to make another manager vice-host of the league.
medal 5000
6 years 126 days ago
This is all really silly, and solved easily.

If your a host of a league then you must be in that league, if you leave then as you leave you must give the host fo another member thats in the league.

If that member doesnt log in every day and you race every day then tough.

Nothing really says a host must take part in the league, perhaps some prefer to bost, not sure why but maybe they do.

The onky real solution is as above, to host you must be i  the league.  If the host then doesnt log in every day members should leave.

The ability to name a vice host is a must and im shocked there already isnt an option, this would solve all problems.
medal 5738
6 years 119 days ago
medal 4920
6 years 99 days ago

If your league has an inactive host and you're an active member of the league, you may now be able to automatically take over hosting. This does not require the consent of the old host or any intervention from support and will replace our forum thread on the matter of inactive league hosts.


  • An inactive host is defined as one who has not logged in for 14+ days

  • To take over hosting, you must be an active participant in the league and have completed at least 20 consecutive races in the league

  • Anybody within the league may take over hosting in this manner - it's granted a first-come-first-served basis. The first person to claim the inactive host's responsibilities will become host.

How-to use:

  • The new option is only visible on the 'League info' dialog, accessible from the info icon on the 'League' page

  • If your host has not logged in for the required amount of time, you will see the option to "Become the host"

  • Click "Become the host", if it is visible, and confirm your choice to become league host - it's as simple as that


50 days out is good
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