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Auto Boost / KERS changes

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
6 years 121 days ago
An update was applied last night which changed the way Boost/KERS operates.

What has changed?

  • From the moment you join a race Boost / KERS control becomes 100% manual for the rest of the race

  • Automatic deployment by AI will cease entirely once you have joined the race, even if you leave and don't return. If you attend the race, be sure to use up boost before you leave or the race finishes.

Why was this changed?
This is a response to community feedback on the way automatic deployment was working before. Previously, AI were prone to auto-deploying the Boost/KERS when a manager was away from the app for a few minutes or re-loading a viewer. This was inconvenient for many people if they turned their phone off for a moment or had to reload a viewer for any reason, only to come back and find they had lost a lot of boost.
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
Fab, thank you Jack! 
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
Excellent, thank you so much. 
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
Now we will have to be careful not to enter the game with bad signal or low battery. Otherwise we will have a disadvantage since we will not be able to use the KERS. Maybe it would be better for the AI to use the KERS in the last lap, where everyone already knows that it is more profitable to use it.
medal 5089
6 years 121 days ago
Well done Jack and team. Can't please everyone though.
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
Gyere a Ki az úr a pályán bajnokságra
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago (edited 6 years 121 days ago)
Well done Jack and team. Can't please everyone though.

I asked this change because with the webgl error i've much problems with the automatic use of kers land other players with the same error too. maybe in the future they can find a good upgrade for the kers with more different options  about it like now for the tyres, but until they have found the solution for webgl error i think this is a good modification.

Thanks developers.
medal 5101
6 years 121 days ago
medal 4542
6 years 121 days ago
woo hoo :D we did it!
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
Why not make it optional? What if I leave after half the race and I want the bots to somehow use boost
medal 5089
6 years 121 days ago

Well done Jack and team. Can't please everyone though.

I asked this change because with the webgl error i've much problems with the automatic use of kers land other players with the same error too. maybe in the future they can find a good upgrade for the kers with more different options  about it like now for the tyres, but until they have found the solution for webgl error i think this is a good modification.

Thanks developers.

Yes I agree it's good they have change it.
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
I suggest to add setting within the race viewer, like a switch on/off for the auto boost, so anyone could set it to its own preference.
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago
The change is perfect.  No need to over complicate it asking for other options.   If you join the race, Kers is manual.  If you don’t, it’s AI.  

It was One of THE most frustrating things when connection lost - so this is a huge improvement.   
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 121 days ago

Why not make it optional? What if I leave after half the race and I want the bots to somehow use boost

This is being considered, but is much more difficult to implement. So if it would get decided to do this, it will probably not be soon.

Once you joined the race, the KERS is manual, so if you need to leave halfway and you know you will not come back, you better empty your battery completely.
medal 5000
6 years 121 days ago

Now we will have to be careful not to enter the game with bad signal or low battery. Otherwise we will have a disadvantage since we will not be able to use the KERS. Maybe it would be better for the AI to use the KERS in the last lap, where everyone already knows that it is more profitable to use it.

I agree so much with this! The new change is great but the rest of the AI are still very annoying to race with. They're stupidity when it comes to kersing is and always has been one of the most frustrating things racers I've talked to have been forced to compete against...

I can't tell you how annoying it is when you pass a driver on that drs straight, they start kersing and kersing and kersing to re-pass you, block you for the rest of that lap, and then pit on that lap so you can't even get drs to make up for it...
medal 5101
6 years 120 days ago
A long awaited change, thanks for that! For me it will be very useful, because since app 3.0 has been released I am experiencing constant problems with race viewer and auto-kers is making life harder.
medal 6501
6 years 120 days ago
Why make it complicated? Better to make it manual boost completely. This will encourage managers to attend the race.
I think, attending manager should have the upper hand. The one who cannot attend, it's their problem.

And yet, I still don't understand, how come deploying boost on the oncoming corner still have advantage, which is unrealistic. In real F1/Indycar, nobody use KERS/boost under braking, for 2 reasons, waste and impacting the corner speed (overshooting).
medal 5000
6 years 120 days ago
Is it possible to make this optional as a setting?
medal 5000
6 years 120 days ago
My suggestion is to turn on once you are off race. we may have baterry of power or bad internet. 
medal 5000
6 years 120 days ago
What happens if you join leave and then rejoin would you still have same kers/boost or do you lose unused when you leave or come back to it
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