Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 118 days ago (edited 6 years 118 days ago)
When we first integrated video ads in to the iGP Manager apps, like everyone else, we thought they were always available to everyone and that everyone could watch 10 video ads easily. During testing, that was also the case for us. But once we rolled them out to a global audience, reports started to come in that some people could not see video ads. We switched ad providers a couple of times in an effort to address this, before being forced to concede that it is not how ad providers operate.
Why can't I see a video ad or get free parts?
The reason is simple - the ad provider has no advertisements to show at that time to someone in your location.
As an example, if thousands of people in one town in Brazil have all been watching lots of video ads and not clicking on the products, maybe most of the ad networks decide they won't show more of those ads to people in that area. Also, there may not be many advertisers buying placements on the networks. Then in some cases maybe it's also 3am at night, further limiting the advertisers who will be available at that time. All of these factors are considered by the ad networks and ad provider, and in the end they may determine "there is nothing to show right now to this individual". I want to make it clear: That decision is completely out of our control. We do not have any influence over it.
What can we do about it?
To recap, the reason ads might not be available to you is because the ad networks have unanimously indicated that they have no ads to show. It is not a bug, and it is not within our control either. So, to address this we must improve our implementation of ads to make this clearer.
Recently, a first step was taken in this direction. You may have noticed the Free Parts button appearing on the Cars page. It also doesn't appear at all until there is a video ad available (the key word here).
We will also likely be reducing the number of free parts available to all players via video ads to avoid handicapping players who cannot see as many (or any) video ads. In addition to this, we will be adding new placements that offer more rewards, for example: more cash for your team, restoring driver health etc.
The placements will be dynamic and based on whether an ad is available (like the new placement on the Cars page). Our old implementation was a mistake in hindsight, because it was setting the expectation that 10 ads would always be available at all times, in a row. In some locations, this is almost never the case.
That said, we are also conducting work to integrate more ad networks, which will increase the availability of ads. This work should make ads available more often to more people. This will not change the fundamental dynamics of the system, but it will hopefully improve the rate at which people in some locations can see ads.

Jim James medal 5000 6 years 117 days ago
Thanks for the explanation but I don’t think it’s that simple as in my experience if I open the game on my mobile then “free parts” button appears but if I open the game on my tablet then I don’t see the “free parts” button even tho I’m obviously in the same location

Panic Room medal 5000 6 years 117 days ago (edited 6 years 117 days ago)
I have no more spare parts and I do not have tokens to buy them. I'm in the second place in pro. How can I do if I do not see the videos?

Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 117 days ago
Please edit your post to English or it will be deleted

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 6 years 117 days ago
I have no more spare parts and I do not have tokens to buy them. I'm in the second place in pro. How can I do if I do not see the videos?
The same as managers who play only on PC and can by default never watch ads: develop your Manufacturing building to the maximum so you generate as much parts as possible every race and manage your Token spend better so you dedicate some Tokens to buy parts.
Or buy extra Tokens of course :)

Rui Cabral medal 5000 6 years 114 days ago
One thing I never understood: why doesn't exist ads for parts for PC users? And why doesn't exist an app for Windows Phone users?
Best Regards

Tutti Frutti medal 5000 6 years 110 days ago
Hello. I don't have advertising and i have no parts. Pls repair it

Luiz Oliveira medal 5000 6 years 105 days ago (edited 6 years 105 days ago)
I play in an Android Phone and rarely the ads button appears to me, so I have problems to maintaining my cars competitive, I need some parts...

Teddy Bear medal 5000 6 years 99 days ago
The free parts option seems to have gone not working or something as it has been like it is for couple of races now. Could you pls address. Ta.

Zee Count medal 5000 6 years 97 days ago
I have not been able to get any free parts now in any of mi teams for ages. i know one can have a blank race after but this is now several 5/6.

Toni Amoros medal 5000 6 years 88 days ago
please there is no way to load the videos to pick up pieces and I can not be competitive without pieces, you can help me please !!

Memo Leiva medal 5000 6 years 82 days ago
I only see it on my cellphone. My laptop doesn't have it.

Renê Belache medal 5000 6 years 74 days ago
I'm having trouble getting parts for car maintenance. Team RB Racing II

Mattia Albini medal 4997 6 years 73 days ago (edited 6 years 73 days ago)
I don't agree, this is a bug.
This is the problem, like Christian Rota wrote:
First click you get the loading symbol then disappears. Second time it greys the button like its waiting on something. No video is loaded so I am not able to obtain any free parts without quitting the app and trying again.
So, the free parts seems available, but the app doesn't work, nothing happens.

Adam Chambers medal 5000 6 years 66 days ago
Free parts problem is an iOS device issue, it’s nothing to do with no adverts available, the free parts don’t load any video adds on either my iPhone 8 or 4th gen iPad, yet on my Sony Z it works fine at exactly the same time, so I’m just having to use android platform for free parts to work

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 57 days ago
Anybody having trouble getting or watching ads should
visit this thread.