Gytis Valaitis medal 5000 6 years 48 days ago
During the race minimum 4 managers had problems with piting and cancel the pits. The button pit or cancel just dissapears. Is it possible to rerun the race??. We have very intence championship this season.
I did t know write this in bugs or in sugestions. The is bug with button but managers is suggesting to rerun this race. So is it possible somehow ro rerun the race.
Sorry if this post shoudnt be here.

Gabi Beldiman medal 5000 6 years 48 days ago
Pitted 5 time this race because I couldn't cancel the pit as the cancel pit button didn't appear, for the entire lap it showed only "pit in". And i had to pit every lap, and as Gytis said we weren't the only ones with this bug. So a rerace would be the best thing

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 48 days ago
Hi there, only the host can request a re-run for the race. You can request them to post here:
If there was a bug experienced a new thread should be created in the bugs forum so we can better assist those who had an issue.

Gytis Valaitis medal 5000 6 years 48 days ago
Thanks Yunus. Unfortunatelly i am not host of the league.