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Pit Stops.

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medal 4920
12 years 169 days ago
Your pit stop system is S**T. Fix it like you said you would 3 or 4 months ago.
medal 5000
12 years 169 days ago
They apparently did fix it. I remember one of the dev's making a post a few months back about drivers now taking 30% higher risk when leaving the pits or something. But yes it is still screwed as far as I'm concerned - that is - If you compare it to how risky some of the pit exits are in real life. In this game it feels like you basically need atleast a 2 second gap between two cars to guarantee you won't be held up in the pits which seems pretty unrealistic and annoying, especially if you're out in front.
medal 5000
12 years 169 days ago
@ Lewis
Your offensive comment isn't going to make things happen any quicker.

Which aspect of the pit stop system are you refering to - or are you just having a kiddy tantrum?
medal 5000
12 years 169 days ago
I think he's talking about the release times. In todays race he lost about 4 seconds on me in the first pit stop, and also lost the position to me. In fact I think the first two got shafted because I entered the pits in P3 and came out in front of both those guys. I'd blame it on pitbox positioning (since lewis is the first box) but me and Lewis are right next to each other in the pits and even when we had clear air it seemed to release me before him when in theory it probably should have released him first since he was behind me and had been sitting there longer.

It's just the release gaps Jake. They do seem a little unrealistic to be fair. I often see drivers getting held up in the pits when there was a way big enough for them to dive out into as far as I can tell by looking at it.
medal 5000
12 years 169 days ago
This was adjusted in the development version of the game quite a while ago.  The problem is a range of issues that are holding us back from putting that update live. Ultimately we bit off more than we could chew with the update and so are currently working on scaling this back to first fix several core issues and some simple adjustments such as this one.  
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
I am constantly trying to think of different strategies as the 5-10 people that turn up in our league, all with 2D controls tend to make their 1st or 2nd pitstop at the same time, meaning between 4-12 cars can be in the pitlane at the same time.

I have utterly lost count the amount of times I have been delayed in the pitstops and lost places upon places. I am by no means the only person this has happened to in the pitlane lottery. The higher the number on your car the more likely you are to lose out due to the placement of the garages.

What's even worse is when everyone Qualifies in the dry and has slicks on, only for it to start raining for the race. Cue Lap 1 and all 28 cars peel into the pitlane for wets. A few seasons ago this meant 1st place came into the pits, along with the rest of the field, but exited in roughly 20th place. It has having too much of an affect on a race's results when you have so many people racing at the same speed, which can be any Rookie, Pro or Elite race.
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
"What's even worse is when everyone Qualifies in the dry and has slicks on, only for it to start raining for the race. Cue Lap 1 and all 28 cars peel into the pitlane for wets"
This issue will be addressed with the update

I agree with the rest of what you say and am glad you can put across your point without any aggression, and that you take time to find ways around the problem atm.

I am interested in what happens in RL F1 when it rains?  Surely they same problems exist?
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
@ Lewis
Your offensive comment isn't going to make things happen any quicker.

Your pit stop system is S**T.

What offensive comment ? He said the pit stop system is SweeT.
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
lol - there are only two asterisks so only 2 missing letters.
I can't think of another word that fits - and makes sense!
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
lol - there are only two asterisks so only 2 missing letters.

I can't think of another word that fits - and makes sense!

SALT - i.e., tasty!
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
I am interested in what happens in RL F1 when it rains?  Surely they same problems exist?

Race Control declares a wet start and all the teams and drivers are allowed to change to either wet compound for the start.
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
I agree with Lewis, pit stops on this game are completely slut.
medal 5000
12 years 165 days ago
Pit stops are Bull Spit.
medal 5000
12 years 164 days ago
Glad to hear something will be done. We just have a singapore race. Dry practice, dry qual, wet for the start of the race. Everyone enters the pits lap 1 and the guys up front got VERY screwed over. Alin Costrasuc for instance entered the pits in P3 and P4, and left the pits in P13 and P14 or something stupid. At the same time he lost about 25-30 seconds on the guy he was behind before the pit stops. A little ridiculous really.
medal 5000
12 years 164 days ago
Alin Costrasuc for instance entered the pits in P3 and P4, and left the pits in P13 and P14 or something stupid.

Hey ! Who are you calling stupid ? Me or my drivers ? :D

But yeah, I confirm. I was 3 and 4 and exited 13 and 14. And I was hit by the weather unscheduled stop complicated procedure too. Took softs on soaking track. I wouldn't have been allowed on a real race.

And who put (and why) my pit boxes first ? :D Baaaaaad idea.
medal 5000
12 years 164 days ago

Hey ! Who are you calling stupid ? Me or my drivers ? :D

The implication being the system is stupid, not you or your drivers XD
medal 5000
12 years 164 days ago
medal 5000
12 years 164 days ago
Just to clarify:-
As far as I understand the next patch is this-
If the set up has been done in the dry and it rains at the start of the race, then the cars will start on the set up chosen for wet weather.  There will be no 1 lap or whatever. So the first part of the problem is being dealt with.

In reply to James Young's answer - My question was in reference to what happens in F1 when it rains during the race (after the start or lap 2 or 3)? - Do all the drivers pit at the same time thereby causing the above problems?  or is this managed some other way?  I assume fairly early on in the race all the cars are still pretty close together.

@ Sonny Phillips -  Bull SPIT - brilliant, that is now my new expletive - :)
medal 5000
12 years 163 days ago
Just bombed out of a race because the system failed to pit me. The update had better fix this.
Be glad I'm not in a season where I'm fighting for the title.
medal 5000
12 years 161 days ago
In reply to James Young's answer - My question was in reference to what happens in F1 when it rains during the race (after the start or lap 2 or 3)? - Do all the drivers pit at the same time thereby causing the above problems?  or is this managed some other way?  I assume fairly early on in the race all the cars are still pretty close together.

The teams and drivers decide amongst themselves the best time to pit and what tires to take. It's a matter of determining/guessing the conditions as they presently are and as they will become. Is it light rain? Heavy rain? Is it going to rain for 10 minutes, or for the next hour and a half?

If the conditions change mid-race it's about determine which tire best suits the conditions, both now and later on.

For instance, in the game I recently had a race in Singapore where it started raining with about 3 laps to go (30-lap race). Some of the teams I was racing against pitted to change tires, be they Inters or Wets. I was running a one-stop on Soft tires and decided to gamble on staying out, because I thought the pit delta was longer than any time I would gain by being on the right tire (which turned out to be the case). <- my race (it's my B-team)

You can see how I start losing about 5s/lap in pace between laps 27 and 28, but I'd figured the pit delta at Singapore to be 21 seconds, so staying out seemed to be the way to go.

By comparing two other drivers that were in the same race... -vs.-

Schwarz and Duchovny both pit for tires with two laps to go; Schwarz takes Inters and Duchovny full Wets. Schwarz runs about 1:40 flat on the last lap, and Duchovny a 1:43.2. This seems to indicate that the Inters were the way to go, and the fact that Schwarz overtook Duchovny on Lap 29 seems to bear this out, Schwarz's lap 29 being about 4.5s faster while they had been running similar times when both on Softs.

The game tries to simulate this aspect of guessing the conditions via the Advanced Strategy, the idea being that you guess how long it needs to rain in order for a wet compound (Inters or Wets) to be faster than your current dry tire, and then how long after it stops raining until the dry compounds become quicker again (if the race goes dry -> wet -> dry).

Kind of went off on a tangent there but hopefully you get my meaning.
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