Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
We got to lap 13 & now the system says the race is not open.
Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
Sorry about this.
The Devs are aware of, and are working on, the problem.

Pedro Lima medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
same here. race dont open

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 155 days ago
I believe Andrew is handling the situation, sorry about this. It was a new issue, unrelated to the ones that have happened on previous nights. They say these things come in threes, so hopefully this is the last of it.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
Thank you Jack.
Just in case, we would like to rescehdule for Thursday @ the usual time.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
That's it done Edwin. I can't apologise enough for this.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago

Kay Wilms medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
same here now. also when i whant to look at other race it's not working

AcM Faina medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
also our champ crashes....

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
ATM quali starts 15mins before the race so will not post until a few minutes after that.
This is to change back to how it was before - it seems to be a bit confusing this way.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
That is weird because our Speed Series race is running fine.

Kay Wilms medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
@ jack, That i notice but the races that are started i cant' watch. not in 2D and not live timing.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
Our Speed Series race just ran fine, we all got disconnected last lap though but the race still was running.

Davy Wilms medal 5186 12 years 154 days ago
this one i can't see the race. only see "race not open" It had to be finished right now but still no results

Michael Braeutigam medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
everything okay up to lap 17, then "loading" and "Race not open."
Edit: it works again. I am wondering for how long ;)

Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
Our race went about 1/2 way then kicked everyone off and restarted. Race then ran about 1/2 way before kicking us out and locking out.
I have always gone out of my way to defend iPG.. you are a small company and I know it isn't easy to pull off what you are attempting to pull off.
This week was a complete waste of time! Migration fell apart, had to race the same track (in our case Germant) multiple days in a row, and then the issues today.
1/2 of the league I am in is wondering if they will be back next week. Hope this is the low point.

Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
See now that our race is indeed running again. Guess to play this game we are expected to sit around hitting refresh for hours just in case?
Good Luck!

Michael Braeutigam medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
again "Race not open"... why am I not surprised? -.-