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Drivers Health & Car Damage at Quick Races

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medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago (Last edited by Sam Leo 5 years 259 days ago)
Drivers health should be unaffected at Quick races in my opinion in a way that if a team have a main driver with 50% of health the driver on quick race be automatic with 100% and when the race finish be to 50% plus 5% if the clock passed at xx:00 within the race. So teams with out a league ( that health of drivers not restored ) and others that have races can easy race.

We can have 3 Free races per day like this (earn with out loosing anything) and  after that all could work as above but we will need a token per race to participate.

edit : The same with car damage

Thanks in advance.
medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago
@Sam Leo
medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago
Can we move pls this to link above sorry i didn't see that suggestion;) thanks Peter

For me according to Jack's post (that i can't be in a league as my working hours are not stable and i want to race online) will move me to a state that will be able to race only if i pay (when my tokens finish). my suggestion above i think would cover many things when we have the power to make it;)
medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago (Last edited by Vance Sim 5 years 259 days ago)
Just want to say that when I heard quick races being announced, I thought it wouldn't contribute to things like xp gain, wear on the car, or fatigue of the drivers, things which would affect our manager levels or how we have to manage engines, parts, and driver health in our league races. I thought it would be just be a casual race mode for fun without influence on the above parameters, especially since the prototype name for these Quick Races was in fact "Casual Races".

On top of Sam Leo's points where if you're not in a league, you won't be able to regenerate health, gain parts, have engine restocks, things which make playing quick races atm very difficult for the truly casual player, I do have other worries.

I worry with how quick races are atm, giving experience points to managers and drivers with each quick race, it may benefit those who play with a more pay-to-win mindset, and also those who are able to spend more time on the game farming xp with quick races; I also believe you gain less xp with league races now which only furthers the advantage farming quick races can give. I don't think most managers signed up for this; most managers I see only have time for one or two league races, sometimes not even able to attend all of them regularly, and remember one account can only have one league race per day.

I'm fortunate to have teams at high enough levels to not worry so much about the race to gain experience points. I imagine most managers, especially those still at lower manager levels, won't be very pleased.
medal 5000
5 years 258 days ago
It seems like this quick race thing is still on the testing stage. In that case I'll wait for Jack's official announcement. I've raced 3 quick races, different results in all 3, same payout. As far as the driver's experience goes, I haven't noticed my driver's exp go up after a quick race... Idk, by the time I did the 3rd race I was bored once all managers make their last pit stop. Even with boost at my disposal, no point in using it when it doesn't change the payouts. But like I said, I will wait for the finished product. 
medal 5000
5 years 258 days ago
I can understand the devs, that they have to restrict the Quick races somehow, because of the cost of Server capacity, so makes Sense that there is some cost for players of doing quick races.
where i have concerns is about the benefits especially, because they have impact on the normal progess, like the manager points, so they make it somehow mandatory to stay the same way in progress like the competitors. 
i found myself in this situation on thursday evening just needed 85 points for the next level, so entered 5 quick races without participating, just let them run to get the points, while i was doing other things. 
based on the current situation this can get really costly: 30 parts (25 token in the shop) 1 engine (1 token)+ health+ the Time. I had saved enough parts so the cost was one engine, that was worth doing it for me.
I am with Nik on the point that Quick races should not impact the normal game play, they should be an additional opportunity to race during the time off.
I like the idea, especially for beginners, i had to wait 10 h until i could play the first race, so there it is a great addition, once you are longer in the game you stay to compete with Top players for championships.

so my suggestion is make it somehow cheaper with less impact on the career.
for example
 cost: health and engine
benefit: driver experience and cash

then players would have a Fun way for training driver experience and turning token into cash, but would still have the payoff if it is worth doing it, without too much impact on the overall manager Development.

medal 5000
5 years 258 days ago (Last edited by Vance Sim 5 years 258 days ago)
I tried to find the forum post where Kevin Bissell explains the change in xp gained from league races, but I seem to have forgotten where it is or it was deleted, so I'll raise another point concerned xp gains in league races and quick races here. Long post incoming:

Xp gained from league races used to be calculated via: 40 base xp + (20xp * your level gap to the manager with the highest level in your league's tier). So let's say you're level 15 in Elite, and the highest leveled manager in Elite is level 20. Your level gap to the highest leveled player is (20-15) = 5.
So in this case you'll gain:
(40+[20*5]) xp
Which is (40+[100]) xp
= 140xp per race.

Now the gain per gap in manager level has decreased from 20xp to 10xp per level. So now as a level 15 with a level 20 in your tier, you'll only get:
(40+[10*5]) xp
Which is (40+[50]) xp
= 90xp per race. 50xp less per race compared to before.

It already seems like a lot, but it gets even worse:

Let's say in your league there is a level 19 manager, with the highest leveled manager in your tier being level 20. In the old calculation that manager would get
(40+[20*1]) xp
= 60xp per race.

With the new calculation they'll only get 10xp less as:
(40+[10*1]) xp
= 50xp per race.

Previously you as a level 15 would get 140xp compared to the level 19's 60xp. Now the level 15 only gets 90xp compared to the level 19's 50xp, a significant change in the gap of xp gains, in this example, from 80xp to 40xp difference between a level 15 and a level 19 team that has a level 20 in their league's tier.

So not only is gaining xp in leagues harder, it is harder for lower leveled managers, most of them being the newer managers in the game. Since I first played iGP a lot of game mechanics like the decision to not have any prize money (which I still find questionable as I personally find this makes achievements like winning championships have less sense of reward, though this may be debated), and car design research being greater for lower leveled managers, have been explained as being there to "equal the playing field" (still very unlikely a level 15 team can beat a level 20 due to the benefits of having a higher manager level and higher leveled HQ, unless there is a noticeable gap in manager skill). Those game mechanics give some help to lower leveled managers to be able to perform closer to the higher leveled teams.

With this change in league xp gains, the game is now making it harder for lower leveled and newer managers to gain xp compared to higher leveled teams, seeming to go against the philosophy stated above.

With Quick Races this gets even worse, as xp gains for Quick Races are fixed at 20xp per quick race.

This means a higher leveled manager, let's say a level 19 who's naturally aiming to hit level 20, gets the same amount of xp as a lower leveled, even level 1 manager, in Quick Races. This completely goes against how league race xp gains work which have lower leveled teams get more xp gains per league race, in order for them to catch up quicker to higher leveled, more experienced teams.

And if managers, especially higher leveled managers, are able to use tokens to replenish Engines, parts, and driver health, and have more time to farm more xp, they'll be able to easily pull away from or stay ahead of other managers when it comes to leveling up their team, benefiting those who pay-to-win, more specifically pay-to-level-up-quicker, and also those who have more time to farm xp in Quick Races. Lower leveled managers who would already find it more difficult to catch up to higher leveled teams, will have it even tougher if they do not take part in Quick Races.

Whether intended or not, these changes significantly impact how managers are able to gain xp to progress to higher levels, giving greater importance to Quick Races when it comes to gaining xp as fast as possible. It also makes it harder for lower leveled managers to gain xp compared to higher leveled managers. All I see in these changes is that it makes it harder for low leveled managers to catch up especially if they do not take part in Quick Races, while allowing high level managers or managers who have more time and/or tokens for Quick Races to be able to farm xp quicker.

This is a pretty significant change. Whether players agree with it or not, it's a bit disingenuous to not have any announcement or even indication of it before implementing these changes.
medal 5000
5 years 258 days ago (Last edited by Bastian Ba 5 years 258 days ago)
thats what i mean with impact on the managers progress, you have it perfectly explained with way more Detail. i read Kevins Post, too.
Another point i read is about lower sponsor contracts, don't know if that Post is right will find it out in 2 days and don't know yet if it is made because of quick races.

would be great if all the changes Made regarding Quick races would be announced, like i mentioned in other posts that it would be good to have better Communication from the Devs.
Even better when announced a couple of days/weeks upfront, because it would make it easier to plan and manage the Team.
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 258 days ago
Here it is
Recently I created a new team (my first in the current incarnation of iGP) so that I could experience developing a team from scratch in "New iGP". I had already determined that using the old XP gain calculation and racing against L20 managers it would be around six or seven months before my team hit L16 and therefore begin to be competitive at an Elite tier... I was comfortable with this, but now I think I'll be pushing up daisies before I get there.
I am fortunate to already have two L20 accounts which originated from the old game, both with championship winning drivers and top design teams, so I have the option to abandon my new team and switch to one of these two accounts. Unfortunately, newcomers to the game don't have this luxury, if they want to get their team to a competitive level in a reasonable time they're going to HAVE to run QRs to farm XP and then purchase tokens to recover their cars. So the more real money they throw at the game the faster they will get their teams to be competitive in the league version.

I realise that iGP is only following the model that the rest of the gaming industry seems to have adopted, the devs need to earn a fair living and the servers the game runs on aren't free, but personally I think it is sad to see a game that I have enjoyed playing for four and a half years slowly morph into yet another dummed down Pay to Win App.

And this is the point where I probably get a ban ;-)
medal 5446 CEO & CTO
5 years 258 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 5 years 258 days ago)
I'll start by quoting my post from another thread about this, where I attempted to address this up front:
Hi James, I expect we'll get a few people making this suggestion once they try Quick Races, so I'll give a comprehensive answer now for everyone.

Being totally transparent, it is a necessity that there are sensible limitations on how much bandwidth everyone can consume. Wear and tear on the driver and car from participating in races is the most sensible and realistic (from a simulation standpoint) way to achieve this. At the same time, we don't want to restrict how much someone can play, and this way they can race as much as they want, unlike having a hard limit of X races per day.

To give some more context, iGP Manager works differently to other games, in that our simulations are all run on servers and not your device. Without going in to too much detail, this requires a lot of computational power, and works in a similar way to projects like Google Stadia, where we're partly streaming the race to your device rather than your device actually running the simulation. This makes the game much lighter on your device, and everything much more secure, but it also means we have to handle a lot of hardware on our side. That hardware costs money. It's why sites like Dropbox have limits before you have to pay, or YouTube has ads and relies on a goliath like Google/Alphabet to cover those kinds of costs at scale.

Also worth noting: wear on the car and driver are greatly reduced in Quick Races, actually half of what it is in league races. We did this so that people can take part in more of them without having to spend the usual amount of parts / engines or healing their drivers. Of course, health regenerates itself too. In addition to this, you get a portion of your usual sponsor cash payout from every Quick Race, simply for finishing the race. So they can be quite profitable to take part in. It's a trade-off.

We will be releasing more information about Quick Races over the next 24 hours, stay tuned to our YouTube channel as well.

That said, this is only the first release of Quick Races, and we see basically unlimited scope to expand the feature, not least in customisation options for the lobby (race duration, speed and more).

I quite like the suggestions in this thread and think we'll look seriously at some variation of them. Keep them coming, we really appreciate it.

As for what Kev said above about dumbing down, that isn't the direction we're going in at all. What you're really observing there is the way in which our philosophy unfolds - start simple. That doesn't mean it's our end goal. This has been refined after years of making mistakes by trying to put everything in to the first release all the time, only to find that creates more problems. Firstly, if you go in the wrong direction and build everything then it becomes nearly impossible to change it and respond to feedback. Secondly, it often introduces way more bugs to do things that way, as too much changes at once.

So the way we approach new features these days is to start simple, lay a strong foundation and build from there. It's important to start simple, then see what people like and build complexity on those points. It's an organic process, and I wouldn't take anything now as final. We made sure it said "BETA" on it for a reason.

With this first release we had one aim - to make Quick Races happen. There was so much demand for it, especially in the app stores. Future updates will focus on layering in the complexity in the ways you want to see it, based on your feedback.

EDIT: Personally, I also view them as a supplement to league racing, and a substitute in some cases. I think we'll see unofficial "leagues" created using the Quick Races system in future. Something which I think is being misunderstood at the moment is there has to be an incentive to Quick Races too, to make them worthwhile. I've been happy to make them earn small amounts of Level XP and other things traditionally associated with leagues. League racing doesn't suit everyone, we've listened to reviews that told us not everyone can or will race on a schedule. Those people also need a way to progress through the game, without having to commit to a daily routine.
medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago
I totally agree with you Jack. Not everyone can race to a schedule and why should they suffer because they work shifts or whatever. But equally, why should I suffer just because I'm ill? I can race in my league and prepare my cars for races but that's all my health allows. Now, it seems that my xp, sponsorship income etc will all decrease just because I'm not well enough to take part in quick races.

Maybe a compromise could be that XP etc are reinstated to the levels they were at before Quick Races were introduced.
When you take part in a Quick Race your drivers/cars suffer by a recuced amount, just as you've arranged now and you earn XP etc just as you've arranged but for every Quick Race you race in, your XP and whatever gets reduced by a percentage in your next league race.
That way, people like me who can't race Quick Races don't suffer because I can see it coming to a point where I won't be able to race, I won't have the parts/tokens/cash etc to be able to repair my cars, advance my HQ  etc.
So I ask you, please reinstate the levels of XP, sponsorship etc before I have to quit.
medal 5506
5 years 257 days ago
another point came in my mind is to adjust parts production, when the goal is that everyone should participate in Quick races.
A 2 cars team has a big disadvantage over a 1 car team, because for a 2 car Team the production is just enough with a 5 star hq for the league, so even when you run the Quick race on old engines the cost of one race is 4-5 parts = 4-5 token, while a 1 car Team can safe every league race 5-10 parts.
so my suggestion:
double the production for 2 car league
medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago

another point came in my mind is to adjust parts production, when the goal is that everyone should participate in Quick races.
A 2 cars team has a big disadvantage over a 1 car team, because for a 2 car Team the production is just enough with a 5 star hq for the league, so even when you run the Quick race on old engines the cost of one race is 4-5 parts = 4-5 token, while a 1 car Team can safe every league race 5-10 parts.
so my suggestion:
double the production for 2 car 

"when the goal is that everyone should participate in Quick races."

I'm sorry if I've misunderstood but are you saying that the aim is that everyone should participate in Quick races? I don't see how that is possible, not everyone has the time or in my case, the mental strength due to cancer, to do extra races. 
Thats why I suggested that the rewards are reinstated to their full amount for taking part in  League Races but they're reduced by a percentage for every quick race you run
medal 5506
5 years 257 days ago
thats how i understand jack' s Phrase that he sees them as a supplement.

based on the changes Made to manager xp and to sponsor contracts you have to do them to have the same progress, like before. Maybe change in addition to a 1 car league to have enough parts:(

i am neither a Fan of that, i liked the idea to have an additional feature which you can use whenever you have time.
in my case i do not have to do them because i am level 18 and my HQ is maxed but when i think back to the Time until level 16, i would have had to Change to a 1 car league to have enough parts and participatie in them to gain enough xp and cash or to use real money on a regular basis.
and that is neither the Sense of good quick races. I for example let 5 races run on thursday evening, while i went on with my normal life, to achieve level 18, so i got lapped, but did Not care because i just wanted the xp.
medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago
That's just wrong, isn't it. Surely if you've got to run races as you did, it ruins the races for those racing properly 
I'm not criticising you, you're just doing what you had to but it shows how these Quick Races are flawed. 
Certainly if we are going to be forced into joining Quick Races, I'll be forced into leaving
medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago

That's just wrong, isn't it. Surely if you've got to run races as you did, it ruins the races for those racing properly 
I'm not criticising you, you're just doing what you had to but it shows how these Quick Races are flawed. 
Certainly if we are going to be forced into joining Quick Races, I'll be forced into leaving

I agree I don't want quick races to be a necessity for a competitive team, but an option...indeed, a supplement, not a requirement.

medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago


That's just wrong, isn't it. Surely if you've got to run races as you did, it ruins the races for those racing properly 
I'm not criticising you, you're just doing what you had to but it shows how these Quick Races are flawed. 
Certainly if we are going to be forced into joining Quick Races, I'll be forced into leaving

I agree I don't want quick races to be a necessity for a competitive team, but an option...indeed, a supplement, not a requirement.

I agree with you, Quick Races shouldn't be necessity they should be like a side act, just for fun when you have the time. Forcing people to have to do them just to keep in profit, ridiculous. If it becomes the case then I agree with Paul that many will be forced to stop playing due to either Illness or even Work. Just doesn't sit right with at this stage.
medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago (Last edited by Vance Sim 5 years 257 days ago)
That said, this is only the first release of Quick Races, and we see basically unlimited scope to expand the feature, not least in customisation options for the lobby (race duration, speed and more).

Yes, customisation could give those participating in Quick Races a lot more fun. As they are right now all tracks are on 20 laps and with tyre wear being rather high in those 20-lap Quick Races, while there's some minor variation in tyre strategy it is not much atm. I still managed to have a few fun, close races though.

That said, there is visibly a trend forming of managers sending cars in low condition to quick races, AFK-ing too, most likely for the xp gain. I tried this over the weekend too (I don't have league races on weekends so no need to worry much about driver health or replacing engines then) and it is indeed a viable, if not most the most effective tactic to farm xp as the game is now as long as you have time to set your team for Quick Races, what with the reduced xp from league races. 

Lower leveled managers with less cash, less tokens, less developed HQ and staff, they are definitely going to have it harder compared to us who started earlier. Just for them to get the same xp gains from before at lower levels, they are going to have to do multiple quick races per day. You can do them with a worn engine after your league race and replace it after you're done with Quick Races. However, things like the health cost from farming these QRs mean less health for training drivers, and more parts wear means more parts required to repair our cars. This is little to no problem for high level teams with maxed drivers and perhaps stocked with lots of parts, but once again, it is the lower leveled managers who will suffer.

What you're really observing there is the way in which our philosophy unfolds - start simple. That doesn't mean it's our end goal. This has been refined after years of making mistakes by trying to put everything in to the first release all the time, only to find that creates more problems. Firstly, if you go in the wrong direction and build everything then it becomes nearly impossible to change it and respond to feedback. Secondly, it often introduces way more bugs to do things that way, as too much changes at once.

So the way we approach new features these days is to start simple, lay a strong foundation and build from there. It's important to start simple, then see what people like and build complexity on those points. It's an organic process, and I wouldn't take anything now as final. We made sure it said "BETA" on it for a reason.

I commend the dev team's awareness in looking back at their past difficulties when it comes to the challenges of releasing new features and updates for iGP. The team has often gotten flak for how they've handled new releases and updates, but in spite of our frustrations, I believe most of us players are grateful to have a dev team, mod team, and community team that makes attempts to communicate with their players and understand their experience playing the game. Jack, you say you base these new updates on our feedback, and we've seen how that is indeed the case with things like more league functions like league mail and replying to comments, rolling back the limitations on the kick function for league hosts, nerfing the previously all-conquering Hards, and more.
EDIT: Personally, I also view them as a supplement to league racing, and a substitute in some cases. I think we'll see unofficial "leagues" created using the Quick Races system in future. Something which I think is being misunderstood at the moment is there has to be an incentive to Quick Races too, to make them worthwhile. I've been happy to make them earn small amounts of Level XP and other things traditionally associated with leagues. League racing doesn't suit everyone, we've listened to reviews that told us not everyone can or will race on a schedule. Those people also need a way to progress through the game, without having to commit to a daily routine.

Which is why honestly this baffles me.

If one of the main aims of Quick Races was to help those who aren't able to race on a schedule progress through the game:

  • There are many managers who do not go on the live viewer who still leave their teams in leagues, still earning xp normally through league races. As long as managers have a team in a league, they don't have to worry about progress in terms of gaining xp and other things that will be expanded on below

  • League races are still unavoidable for those managers, especially if they are more free-to-play, as league races award managers Tokens (which can be used to buy more engines, parts, replenish driver health, speed up HQ building construction, and more), give managers parts per race according to the manufacturing facility's level (mobile ads give parts too, but only 5 a day), allows engine restocks every 20 league races, 10 engines for 1-car teams and 20 for 2-car teams, also helping to reduce Tokens cost, allow driver health to replenish naturally, 5% every hour, only if the manager is in a league. 

So if it's an issue of managers being able to progress through the game, previously whether you were active every day or often inactive (without being kicked), you'd be able to progress at a similar rate, depending on the highest leveled manager in your tier. 

Instead, what we have now is a reduction in xp per league race, to balance the xp gains between quick races and league races? As I mentioned above, this just makes it harder for everyone, and worst of all is it makes it harder for newer players. I don't think games which have updates that suddenly reduce the xp players are able to gain would have that update being lauded to high acclaim. Players naturally read between the lines and feel we're being forced to comply with this new way of gaining xp by having to expend more time and perhaps money. What choice do we have? If we're level 20, no problem. If we're not and are still leveling our teams, and with league races now giving less xp, our options are either go with it and farm xp in Quick Races, or don't because we don't have time for multiple Quick Races or don't fancy Quick Races because they cost us driver health, parts, engine wear, and then deal with the reduced xp gains and having to wait even longer to progress.

We understand running this game costs money, and most players, especially those a huge fan of the game, would like to support in any way we can through Token purchases, maybe even donations. However, by reducing the xp from league races, and making Quick Races the go-to place for more xp but also coming at a cost, players feel the update is trying to force us out of our time and perhaps money, instead of Quick Races being the fun thing it was all hyped about, letting friends (but mostly strangers if it's a public lobby) race together whenever they want outside of a league schedule. 

I could accept it a bit better if there were an announcement made beforehand, that perhaps the dev team needs support to keep the game running, to support the growing player base, and that this or that new update is designed to make it more difficult to manage finances, manage parts and wear, a greater managerial challenge which may require players to use more Tokens. The rebalancing of sponsor payouts indicates this as well. Instead, players are given no indication beforehand of these significant changes taking place, and a number of us are understandably frustrated and feeling cheated.

But still, I commend the dev team for responding immediately to our concerns and complaints. It has to be tough listening to all of our grievances after working on this update for so long, but these grievances are not imagined. 
medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago
I feel a bit of a cheat, posting a really short reply to such a long and interesting post but... 
Well said, I couldn't agree more. 
medal 5000
5 years 256 days ago
CAUTION: may be off-topic.

It makes everything this forum is here for, obsolete.  They'll do what what they think makes them the most revenue and so like any business, they shall.  However, don't dress it up by saying you're listening to the end users. Nowhere have I ever read here anything in regards to creating an incredibly complicated system whereby most main variables are either shorten or modified. Then introduce it without all the "what-ifs" worked out.

We asked for a simple way to race against other managers without any strings attached. We got a zero-fun, zero-wow factor.

Sorry, the "we-have-bills-to-pay" can only fly for so long. My suggestion; don't get more "payables" till you have sufficient "receivables"  The best thing any successful business is best at doing is doing the little things extremely well.  

iGP has a tone of little things that for the longest of time haven't been working well or as intended.  Fix those, maybe even consolidate some, but stop adding or taking more on than what you can handle to maintain effectively. 

This was a good game, now it's just another fish on the ocean.  And yes....Imo, it's fair to say I'm not the only one looking elsewhere for what we thought we had here. 
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