Chris Py medal 5000 5 years 165 days ago (Last edited by
Chris Py 5 years 165 days ago)
Hey guys,
Currently new to iGPManger right now and loving it.
Just curious about how long each set of tyres last in races.
Welcome to the game, I am also new (14 races) and I agree completely. This game is awesome!
During my first three races I didn't know much about the game mechanics but I managed to place top 10 in them. Then I stumbled on a few amazing guides that I read and studied closely, after that I won 10 races straight :)
iGP Manager : Beginners guide (July 2017) - A very good starting guide written by one of the best managers in the games history, it is 2 years old but but for the most part still very valid.
iGP Manager : Advanced guide (July 2017) - A bit more advanced guide written by the same author as above, Joey McLane.
TIPS TO HAVE SUCCESS IN iGP MANAGER - Quite a few of useful things in here too.
10 tips to iGP, (N.F) - This is a work in progress, so we don't know how good it will end up yet. But it is written by a semi experienced manager putting together some tips based on his own experience. His intentions are to help new players get a few tips to point them in the right direction.
Lastly and back on topic, there is a neat little application that help you calculate tyre wear and fuel usage.
Search for "IGP Manager Calculator" on Google play or Appstore (Actually I am not sure if it is available for Iphone)
Also, just a FYI if you didn't know. You can play this on PC. Go to
Best of luck and happy racing!