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Highest Average League Rankings (Global List)

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medal 5000
5 years 160 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 4 years 334 days ago)
Using the league link,, you can use it to view any league, and their respective reputations for each tier.

The visible, shown league reputations of a league tier will update automatically under a number of key circumstances:
1) when a new manager enters the league
2) when an existing manager leaves the league
3) after the first race of a new season, at which point, newly promoted and relegated managers will be taken into account

So, if your league is 8800 Reputation or higher and makes the list, message me and I will aim to put it on the list as soon as feasibly possible! ;) Important note: leagues need to be at least 50% full, have at least 3.0 stars out of 5 for both League Rating and Host Rating, and have a good standing within the iGP community to qualify for the list (This is primarily to filter out the small car leagues, 'bad' Hosts and leagues with a poor standing within the iGP community)

Also note, that I will be keeping 30 leagues in the main list (for simplicity in managing..each position change requires a manual change :-D, so I will try update the list whenever I can) with additional high ranking leagues also in the respective languages post below.

Additional league Forum Pages for your league can also be added. If you would like that addition, feel free to send me the Forum Thread link number, and I will link that as soon as I can! ;)

And remember: Reputation is not everything! It does not make your car or driver -0.500s/lap faster! There are some incredibly quick managers around or even under the 8000 Reputation mark (The fastest manager I have ever raced against and feared the most, was 7500 Reputation :) ) But it does very generally show, the average strength and age of a league (Reputation being accrued over time)

League Forum Pages and Contacts:

German Elite League [Forum]: Contact Christian Horn 
Russian Championship [Forum]: Contact Фелипе Масса
Superstars Racing [Forum]: Contact Jonathan Pourceau
Elite Extreme BR [Forum]: Contact Luís Frederico Lopes 
F1 World iGP [Forum]: Contact William Robert 
FIA F1 - Oficial [Forum]: Contact Facundo Zanuttini

League requirements: Elite: 60%+ capacity, Pro Managers: 50%+ capacity

  1. German Elite League offline

    MTWTFSS at 18:00
    75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league


    MTWTFSS at 00:00
    100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    md-lock See league

  3. League not found or inactive

  4. League not found or inactive

  5. Formula Won

    MTWTFSS at 19:00
    100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league

  6. Formule 1 FR

    MTWTFSS at 20:00
    100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league

  7. League not found or inactive

  8. League not found or inactive

  9. League not found or inactive

  10. F1 French RACE

    MTWTFSS at 21:00
    75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 1.5x race speed
    See league

  11. Russian Championship

    MTWTFSS at 17:00
    100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league

  12. League not found or inactive

  13. League not found or inactive


    MTWTFSS at 21:00
    100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league

  15. League not found or inactive

  16. League not found or inactive

  17. League not found or inactive

  18. League not found or inactive

  19. France Ligue Racing

    MTWTFSS at 19:00
    50% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league

  20. League not found or inactive

  21. League not found or inactive

  22. F1 ESPAÑA 2023

    MTWTFSS at 19:30
    100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    md-lock See league

  23. League not found or inactive

  24. Campionato italiano di Formula iGP

    MTWTFSS at 20:00
    75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
    See league

  25. League not found or inactive

  26. League not found or inactive

  27. League not found or inactive

medal 5000
5 years 160 days ago (Last edited by Peter Man 5 years 36 days ago)
Leagues list in other languages:

Español: ✎ Publicá Tu Liga Aquí - Más de 85 ligas!
Credit: Facundo Zanuttini

ItalianoClassifica dei migliori campionati Italiani
Credit: Bruno Brown 

Deutsch: Liga Rangliste nach Rufpunkten
Credit: Simon DBA

Magyar:Top Magyar Ligák.
Credit: Colin Chapman

Pусский: Топ русскоговорящих лиг.
Credit: Felipe Massa
medal 5000
5 years 152 days ago (Last edited by Peter Man 4 years 305 days ago)
And in return for all that free time spent to update this thread, and the ordering of the leagues, I will show my own league as well! xD

iGP Youtube World Championship [Forum]

Very active league, many, many great players, in-depth stats and many fun polls throughout the season, and of course, every Elite tier race is streamed live to YouTube ;)

iGP YouTube Live Stream | iGP Manager | S14. Round 2: Azerbaijan

'Lots of rain at the start of this race. But will it stay that way? :-D Classic race from earlier this season! ;))'

Racing World Championship

MTWTFSS at 12:00
75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
See league
medal 5002
5 years 152 days ago
I’m happy for mine to be unpinned and replaced with Peters.
medal 5021 Super Mod
5 years 151 days ago
If you are going to pin this one, I think it should have same answer I gave to the old version ;)

League not found or inactive
medal 5437 Super Mod
5 years 151 days ago
I have pinned this  and un-pinned  the other one for you. 
Good luck Peter keeping this up to date and as high quality as the last one was. I'm sure you'll be able to do it. 
medal 5000
5 years 151 days ago
I hope I'm not trespassing. Just an answer to Gustavo. :)

League not found or inactive
medal 5000
5 years 151 days ago
Hello, Peter. I'd appreciate if you could allow leagues on the top rankings thread to upon request have things like links to their forum thread, hyperlinks to their host's profile, etc. on the opening post, like Gary did for the previous top rankings thread, though admittedly for only a handful of leagues. 

My request is for our league iGP F1 to have similar links to our forum thread and host's profile just like in the old thread:

(Forum) - Contact Gary Collyer/Nik B For Joining  
League not found or inactive

I believe top ranking leagues would benefit from being able to link things like their forum thread, as it'll help players to more conveniently gather information about leagues they're interested in. Private leagues would also benefit from having the contacts of their hosts linked, allowing players to easily find who to contact if they're interested in the league.

I understand this may require a bit more work, but I'd greatly appreciate if it would be possible, not just for our league but for all leagues that make it here. 

medal 5000
5 years 151 days ago
@Nik B

You read my mind...I was just about to add those links for the closed, private leagues! :D

EDIT: Request for a moderator to close this thread, to keep the thread clean and relevant ^_^ Thanks!
medal 5437 Super Mod
5 years 151 days ago
Closed in order to keep it tidy and on one on topic.
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