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Same Time Race

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medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
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I ask, as manager of the Italian Night Championschip, the repetition of the Monaco race held on 10/26/19 as it took place at the same time as the Spanish race regularly scheduled during the evening in question (so a clear BUG that risks distort a compelling and friendly league)
I thank you in advance for your availability and we are all waiting for news
League not found or inactive
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago (Last edited by Giuseppe Marino 5 years 130 days ago)
Cosa hai provato a fare?
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Cosa è successo invece?
I ask, as manager of the Italian Night Championschip, the repetition of the Monaco race held on 10/26/19 as it took place at the same time as the Spanish race regularly scheduled during the evening in question (so a clear BUG that risks distort a compelling and friendly league)
I thank you in advance for your availability and we are all waiting for news
League not found or inactive

Good evening, I am one of the managers who run in the League managed by Duma 17 and I join to his request to repeat the gp of Monaco also because the setup of the Monaco GP were decided automatically by the IA, we have received the design points of both races, as well as the tokens and some users, furthermore, due to this annoying problem, have found problems with the contracts of the staff members and, in some cases, some of them have lost their own DTs, CDs and DRs. Last but not least, we've also received doubled amount of research point due to this "double GP" bug and a major tiredness of our drivers ( in terms of percentage they lost between 30% and 40% of their health when usually they lose about 15-20% ).

medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
Hello, It is evening immediately after the race another race started, my technical director still had a contract race and so I could not renew it because of this bug. Can I get my technical director back? Thanks
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
Is possible to know what is going to fix? Design research (numbers of research)???
Resolve it please. Thanks 
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
It is absolutely necessary to repeat the GP of Monaco, because we have not run for anything for bug
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
Finito il gp, mi ha buttato dritto nel gp di Monaco. Fortuna il mio dt aveva ancora 3 corse, altrimenti lo avrei perso. Mi unisco agli altri e chiedo che venga ripetuto correttamente, perché di bug si tratta. 
medal 5044
5 years 130 days ago (Last edited by Yunus Unia Blunion 5 years 130 days ago)
This should be fixed now. Please request any players in your league to post here if they lost staff or drivers as a result of this, so myself or somebody else from our team may assist them as soon as possible.

Everybody in your league has been sent 15 tokens for the inconvenience. The effect of the design points gained from Monaco running could not be reversed as some teams had already applied the points.
medal 5044
5 years 130 days ago

Hello, It is evening immediately after the race another race started, my technical director still had a contract race and so I could not renew it because of this bug. Can I get my technical director back? Thanks

I added a new director to your team, as the previous one could not be found in enough time before the next race begins. It was added at no cost to you. :)
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago (Last edited by Mika Skerzo 5 years 130 days ago)
When and where we is going to run next race?
Thaks for support!
For the reset of the new car, the CD have researched only in Spanish gp? The old research (pt Design for next season) in Montecarlo is deleted?
Thaks, we want race tonight! 
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
We have made the re-run request for the Monaco GP and now it's okay: we have the scheduled Monaco GP as the next race. But we were planning to do it tonight, not tomorrow. Can you help us? This afternoon a moderator told us that we had to wait... any news? :) 
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
When and where we is going to run next race?
Thaks for support!
For the reset of the new car, the CD have researched only in Spanish gp? The old research (pt Design for next season) in Montecarlo is deleted?
Thaks, we want race tonight! 

We have made the re-run request for the Monaco GP and now it's okay: we have the scheduled Monaco GP as the next race. But we were planning to do it tonight, not tomorrow. Can you help us? This afternoon a moderator told us that we had to wait... any news? :) 

He's just been fixed. Tonight you will do your race!!!
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
When and where we is going to run next race?
Thaks for support!
For the reset of the new car, the CD have researched only in Spanish gp? The old research (pt Design for next season) in Montecarlo is deleted?
Thaks, we want race tonight! 

We have made the re-run request for the Monaco GP and now it's okay: we have the scheduled Monaco GP as the next race. But we were planning to do it tonight, not tomorrow. Can you help us? This afternoon a moderator told us that we had to wait... any news? :) 

He's just been fixed. Tonight you will do your race!!!

Bruno ti scrivo in italiano per velocità. La gara nel programma ci dice che stasera è monaco ma in alto la prossima gara è Canada quindi nessuno può fare la strategia per monaco nel setup auto

medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
When and where we is going to run next race?
Thaks for support!
For the reset of the new car, the CD have researched only in Spanish gp? The old research (pt Design for next season) in Montecarlo is deleted?
Thaks, we want race tonight! 

We have made the re-run request for the Monaco GP and now it's okay: we have the scheduled Monaco GP as the next race. But we were planning to do it tonight, not tomorrow. Can you help us? This afternoon a moderator told us that we had to wait... any news? :) 

He's just been fixed. Tonight you will do your race!!!

Bruno ti scrivo in italiano per velocità. La gara nel programma ci dice che stasera è monaco ma in alto la prossima gara è Canada quindi nessuno può fare la strategia per monaco nel setup auto

I've reported the problem with your league to the team.
Ho riportato il problema della vostra lega al team.
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
Disastro totale.... Oltre a sistemare le classifiche, gli stipendi e tutto quello che vi è possibile, spiegateci come verrà calcolata la base del prossimo reset, quali ricerche saranno validate ai fini del reset.... Brancoliamo nel buio
Grazie in anticipo 
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
I ask for clarifications regarding the repetition of the Monaco race that was actually held but without the possibility of performing pre-race setup (as it was possible to do the setup for Canada ... ie the next race) !!!
Now in the Home of the application we see the next race (ie Canada) with the start of the race in 7 days !!! I can understand a BUG due to the synchronization of the new time ... but now it seems to me that 2 days are too many to fix the situation ... I ask you seriousness and professionalism in your work as you have always done
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 5 years 129 days ago)
I ask for clarifications regarding the repetition of the Monaco race that was actually held but without the possibility of performing pre-race setup (as it was possible to do the setup for Canada ... ie the next race) !!!
Now in the Home of the application we see the next race (ie Canada) with the start of the race in 7 days !!! I can understand a BUG due to the synchronization of the new time ... but now it seems to me that 2 days are too many to fix the situation ... I ask you seriousness and professionalism in your work as you have always done

Hi @Duma the league has been blocked, unfortunately it was not possible to do so before Monaco that you raced yesterday.The team will put the following back in order today.
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
The situation seems to have normalized! Now it would seem all right! Thank you for being interested in our problem! Grazie Bruno !!!

medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
Thanks. ???
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
The league has now been fixed. I mark this thread as solved.
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