Giuseppe Marino medal 5000 5 years 130 days ago (Last edited by
Giuseppe Marino 5 years 130 days ago)
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I ask, as manager of the Italian Night Championschip, the repetition of the Monaco race held on 10/26/19 as it took place at the same time as the Spanish race regularly scheduled during the evening in question (so a clear BUG that risks distort a compelling and friendly league)
I thank you in advance for your availability and we are all waiting for news
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Good evening, I am one of the managers who run in the League managed by Duma 17 and I join to his request to repeat the gp of Monaco also because the setup of the Monaco GP were decided automatically by the IA, we have received the design points of both races, as well as the tokens and some users, furthermore, due to this annoying problem, have found problems with the contracts of the staff members and, in some cases, some of them have lost their own DTs, CDs and DRs. Last but not least, we've also received doubled amount of research point due to this "double GP" bug and a major tiredness of our drivers ( in terms of percentage they lost between 30% and 40% of their health when usually they lose about 15-20% ).