1.) When do u stink the most? At the start of season or towards the end?
2.) Do u attend races and manage tyre temps?
3.) Do u repair ur car(s)?
4.) Do u replace engine every race?
5.) Do u know about the big 4?
6.) Why does ur CD not have a strength out of the big 4?
That would be the first questions off the top of my head...
I don't understand the first question, I'm Spanish.
The second. Yes, of course I am aware of temperatures and especially in the race to carry the most optimal thrust possible without overheating.
Three and four, I always run with everything new.
Yes, I know what the big 4 is. Now it's 100.
Before reaching 100, I usually improve depending on the circuit.
Finally, My design manager has a good weakness.
That's it.
In case it is not clear, I speak of the classification. I compare myself with people similar to me and who also have a worse driver.
I have answered the same thing on more than one occasion before. I would like to know something that I do not already know