Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago (edited 11 years 212 days ago)
Genuine question. The way it currently stands, if you're not in the top 10 the race is actually a complete waste of time. Myself (and I'm sure many others are the same?) lose interest in racing when they know they can't get near any points.
My suggestion is something simple like every position gets points, so every race counts. If 1st = 32 points and 32nd = 1 point, and the highest points at the end of the season wins.
Just means there is a reason to show up for every race, and give every race your full attention, even when you're fighting for the lowest of positions. Would also be a better indication of consistency.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Thanks to Josh Brain for pointing out a flaw in that system I first mentioned, so I've edited my post.

Lewis Goodway medal 4914 11 years 212 days ago
Copy the nascar points system :P 3 bonus points for a win 1 for leading a lap

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
The original system I mentioned was a lowest points system lol, like we used to have in karting, where 1st = 1 point, 30th = 30 points etc, and at the end of the day lowest points wins.
But as Josh said, you can't do that with iGP since people join and leave seasons all the time... Unles it automatically defaulted them to have last place points for all the races they missed.

Vinod Maskeri medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago (edited 11 years 212 days ago)
If its easy to implement...i don't think of any reason to disagree with this idea...Everyone would love earn points from a race..fight for 31st place to get 2 points rather than 1 point...Good idea

Deep Desai medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
This is a great idea, especially for the teams which go for high-low-high-low season by season strategy, giving them an incentive for consistency, rather than on-off success.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 212 days ago (edited 11 years 212 days ago)
Yes more poeple needs points in the packed leagues, i did mention this a while back although only down to P15, 10 out of 32 drivers on grid getting points is not enough, Players were giving up cus they never scored points although they had loads of P11 to P15 finishes over many seasons.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Not getting points might explain why so many people start their own leagues or are happy to stay in a league with very few managers (me for example!),
I like the idea but am sure there are probably some reasons why it has not been implimented.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
I think it's exactly why most people do that Jake haha. There's only so much of a beating people can take.
But I don't know, you get what I mean any way. If you are half way through the race and you know for a fact that there's no way you will come any higher than 15th or 20th, there really is no point staying. Maybe it's just me but I don't see the point in wasting the last 45 minutes of a 100% race if I know I will not score any points. Perhaps it's different for me on this side of the world, because iGP really chews into my spare time in the mornings haha.
But if every position scored points, well there really is a reason to stay for every race regardless of how bad that race is.... and it would be a lot more accurate overall too. Someone coming 11th in every race actually does better in the season than someone who wins half the races and comes 32nd in half the races, if that was to happen I mean. The way it currently is, the guy doing worse would have 225 odd points where as the guy who actually did better would have 0, so it seems a little wtf haha.

Kieron Shaw medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Perhaps a happy medium (albeit involving a lot more work) could be to have 2 types of league. A 'Sim' league where the rules/regs match with real life as closely as possible & an 'Arcade' league which offers much greater flexibility/customisation?
I really like the idea in terms of it giving players something to race for but i am also a purist so can see it from both sides

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Well, I think one point difference between 2nd and 1st is very little, especially if you're giving 31/32. Also; I don't think you should have to reward all the 32 finishing positions.
I'd propose the MotoGP scoring system:
[*]1st 25 points
[*]2nd 20 points
[*]3rd 16 points
[*]4th 13 points
[*]5th 11 points
[*]6th 10 points
[*]7th 9 points
[*]8th 8 points
[*]9th 7 points
[*]10th 6 points
[*]11th 5 points
[*]12th 4 points
[*]13th 3 points
[*]14th 2 points
[*]15th 1 point

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Some really good discussion here.
And I can see it from all sides too. I like Japp's suggestion as there needs to be a bigger points difference between the winning cars and everyone else. A bit like the Eurovision song contest I suppose.

Ignatius C Corleone medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Well, I think one point difference between 2nd and 1st is very little, especially if you're giving 31/32. Also; I don't think you should have to reward all the 32 finishing positions.
I'd propose the MotoGP scoring system:
[*]1st 25 points
[*]2nd 20 points
[*]3rd 16 points
[*]4th 13 points
[*]5th 11 points
[*]6th 10 points
[*]7th 9 points
[*]8th 8 points
[*]9th 7 points
[*]10th 6 points
[*]11th 5 points
[*]12th 4 points
[*]13th 3 points
[*]14th 2 points
[*]15th 1 point
i like it +1

I T medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Though its a good idea to increase the interest of the players for the whole race still i wouldnt like to see that implemented...the main reason is that this is a formula 1 sim-game, not a nascar or a moto gp or a dtm racing simulator...I know that its impossible of course all the aspects to be an exact F1 simulation but i would like to keep it as close as it can be... :-)

David Snell medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Well, I think one point difference between 2nd and 1st is very little, especially if you're giving 31/32. Also; I don't think you should have to reward all the 32 finishing positions.
i agree with Jaap on this having a scoring system down to all 32 positions would be too much, maybe a solution would be to limit the number of teams/cars to 12/24 to link more traditionally with F1, but then increase the number of league tiers.

Dan J medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
I can see why people want points to go lower, especially when there are no crashes, mistakes or random component failures that might see you move up a few places.

Bart Stroobants medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
I thought we all strived for realism? What is more realistic than to fight for points instead of just gaining them by "being there". In F1, the goal for the lower- and midfield teams is to score points, and they are happy when they succeed in getting them. In my first season of iGP I felt just the same: realistically I didn't have the speed to get in the points, but by trying some bold things and profiting from other people's mistake I did manage to score 15 points that season. The first points scoring felt like I reached a goal and felt very rewarding, just as Caterham or Marussia would feel when they would score their first point.
So I think it's more realistic and more rewarding when you get there, so I wouldn't change a thing about the point scoring system.

Kieron Shaw medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
That is what I was getting at, I personally am here for an F1 Management SIM, granted we might not be there yet either but I think that was/is the intention.
But I udo nderstand that there are other needs to be catered for...whatever decision is made (and there have been a number of valid suggestions) I just hope that it will be optional & those of us who want a true to life, 'hardcore' experience are also catered for.
All in all I want this game to be successful, so whatever gets people to join & then stay active is fine by me.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
I thought we all strived for realism?
Well, realism quite often makes bad gameplay.
As pointed out, if you play the game right, there are no mechanical failures, fuel problems and driver errors. Also, there's upto 32 cars here, instead of 22 in real F1.

Kieron Shaw medal 5000 11 years 212 days ago
Well, realism quite often makes bad gameplay.
Maybe we should have Mario Kart as a sponsor instead of iRacing then Jaap?