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manual promotion reply

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medal 5000
4 years 288 days ago

Just wanted to write a reply to this thread as we cant reply or say anything on there at all!

I totally understand the reasoning behind what is being said and have no major problem with it but to say "Any managers who are seeking to be manually promoted are recommended to try searching for a different league where they may be able to find themselves promoted to an upper tier." is a bit wrong in my mind.

We as hosts of the leagues try very hard to keep our managers as they are hard to come by also. The lack of putting rookie managers into some leagues makes it so hard for any promotion. You then also have a group of mate who just want to run around together and  stops them from any promotion at all also.

We as hosts, well i know i do, cater for the needs of the managers. We in our league vote on everything as im am just the host not the one running the league. We have two leagues currently and did have 3 before but have lost managers due to no promotion available. We didn't lose these managers to another league we lost them all together!! I know this as i try and keep regular contact with all my managers in our leagues. 

I understand totally that the support staff do a great job and we are all grateful for the work they do but this decision is a bit of a double ended sword! Please dont think im trying to complain about the decision but i'm just trying to get a hosts point of view across. 


medal 5147
4 years 288 days ago
We a few rookie want to  promote to pro to a larger league and better them.
medal 5088
4 years 283 days ago
Hi Graeme, thanks for your feedback. 

I considered what kind of effect would be caused to no longer offer it. As you say, one of the downsides is losing managers due to no promotion being available.

I'll look into bringing back a way to promote players again who are stuck in the circumstances you described.
medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
promotion and relegating should be perma on no matter the league numbers.

so what if you only have 3 driver in a league, they all go up and join the others, why should they be punished due to player numbers dying off.

whats wrong with promoting players?, if they are racing eachother so what, if they then join another league they will soon see that promoting too fast will just get you relegated.

player numbers are dropping due to so many other things ppl can do these days yet this game seem to be moving away from giving the player a chance to play his way and having to play a set way.

set ups are the same year on year.
set up options are so limited.
racing has no strategy.
qually is pointless, why can i test and set up yet i cant run my own qually laps?
QR are pointless, why would you want to race against ppl you dont know at random tracks with no real set up or strategy.

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