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Jack, is the competition over?

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medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago (Last edited by Alessandro Bonifacivs 4 years 306 days ago)
Qualifying and pit-stops are destroying the game.

I know that the purpose of the game is to enjoy most of people, which means also entertain casual players.
But I think that this cannot imply to abandon the competition fairness.
The most experienced users are talking about some serious problems:
1) Qualifying system is always been debatable but now I can say that is clearly broken.
I'm not a developer but I report what we are all clearly seeing:
- why the tallest drivers are achieving better qualifying results? You can see that in almost all starting grids in two-cars-leagues (also one car leagues are affected). Tall = better. Why?
- why despite an important gap between cars in term of design points (even +30 in the big 4) the fastest car is not the fastest in terms of time lap? What kind of randomness do we have actually?
- why the new announced Fuel Economy update is not doing anything in qualifying sessions?

2) The  b l o o d y  question of pit stops:
- why the system - that maybe is trying to simulate the "unsafe release" - is broken?
Pit-stops lenght is not the same for all the players and this random handicap for someone makes the race totally unfair. And this always happens.
I think that the driver cannot give way to various other cars destroying the spirit of the competition. We are speaking about "seconds" in a game in which every tenth is important.

Many managers are leaving the most important leagues.
I had the pleasure to meet Jack in the forum, sometimes: I know he's a reasonable man and I trust in your intervention.
I assume that developers are working hardly in order the improve the game and I hope that users' feedbacks could be helpful.
Don't ignore those players which contributed to iGP having success.
Be forward-looking, developers, and make this game great again.

Thank you.
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
I totally agree.

I add one consideration about tallest driver. I don't want to read people showing the counterexample where it's not true because the proportions are clear. 
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
I'm one of those you just mentioned. Yesterday I abandoned all the championships I was participating in because there is no longer even a shred of competition. It's totally useless to lose even a second to decide what to do when you end up losing 10 or 15 seconds just for pits. After three and a half years of gaming I can only say that igp must be uninstalled 
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
Completely agree on the pit stops, which is perhaps best noticed in competitive leagues and which destroys them with the random factor.
Qualifying I noticed that they are changing, but I wonder why tall drivers have an advantage?
the new fuel economy system does not seem to have any effect.
The new car development has diminished the effectiveness of the auto points themselves, people who don't put these points have a competitive car anyway, what sense does it make? why don't you eliminate the opportunity to collect points? max tot point for race.
Honestly, I'm also taking a break from the game, waiting for the situation to improve, because in easy leagues I give 10 seconds of detachment, and it's not fun for me and neither for my opponents, in competitive leagues the situation becomes frustrating to because of these random factors that often destroy the race.
The fun for this game is slowly disappearing.
I know you are working hard and thank you, but try to listen to people who have been playing for years and are experiencing the situation.
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
Leggere tutto questo è bellissimo. 
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago (Last edited by Alessandro Bonifacivs 4 years 306 days ago)
Leggere tutto questo è bellissimo. 

Don't you agree?

Even if we had divergent opinions in the past, you are an experienced player and I'm sure we are having the same troubles. 
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
I can only fully agree.
Arranging the qualifications and the pitstop would be the qualitative leap in this game. It could be very complicated for you and that's why the efforts of the developers are greatly appreciated, but in my opinion and not only mine, it is taking a wrong path.
Fuel must be the key to everything in my opinion, combined with the development of the car .... As already said by others, the initial weight of the car in qualifying could be counted, this would also lead to different strategies .....
Thanks again for the work done but the road is still long .... I want to remain optimistic
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
Leggere tutto questo è bellissimo. 

Don't you agree?

Even if we had divergent opinions in the past, you are an experienced player and I'm sure we are having the same troubles. 

Sono 2 anni che dico che questo gioco non ha più alcun senso, da quando Jack ha avuto la brillante idea di andare nella direzione in cui tutti possono avere l'illusione di saper giocare anche se non fanno un emerito cazzo durante le gare. E sono mesi che dico che questo gioco è stra morto, che non si può fare più un cazzo di nulla e che tutto dipende dal caso. 

Solo che quando le dico io queste cose mi prendete sempre per cogliona barra rosicona barra perdente barra "bestia" [cit.].

Leggere il forum è nettamente più divertente di giocare a iGP, questo è sicuro.
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
Despite all, I'd like to have your support, Lolita ?
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
despite being very fond of this game for a long time, it is under the eyes of all the obvious problems that are there!  every update released brings with it bugs or other mini problems that are making believe the credibility of the game !!!  you have been taking a completely wrong direction for some time and it is time for you to fix the game otherwise everyone will leave !!!  wake up
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago (Last edited by Alessandro Bonifacivs 4 years 306 days ago)
So, broken qualifying and pit-stops are an off topic matter. 
Excuse me if It seems a sort of bug that a never developed car is faster in qualifying than the others in a high-competivive league...
"Hey guys, never develop your car for a couple of races! There is uncle balance of performance or broken randomness that will do the job for you..." 
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
And it would be good to explain the motivation of the move, but it is evident that it is easier to escape.... 
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
The thing that made me more nervous was to insert the safety car ... instead of solving the bugs already present, trying to fix the random events already present (pit/qualifications), they added new bugs and randomness ... 
For example I have been waiting for at least 3 years for the championship search filters to work ... and instead the safety car ?
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago

And it would be good to explain the motivation of the move, but it is evident that it is easier to escape.... 

Personal opinion of the mod shouldn't be put in front of a detailed report of existing problems

medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
You find me in total agreement with what you say.  There have always been small problems, nothing is perfect ... but now things have significantly worsened.  I'm a fan of this game and seeing it go in the wrong directions hurts me a lot ...
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
Definitely agree on what has been said so far.  A game, where even a tenth of a lap can make a difference, cannot sin in bullshit like the ones done so far with the various updates.  Previous unwatchable pit stops, ridiculous qualifications with the SS that are placed behind the S and much more.  It takes a change of course and try to make a leap in quality to this game that has attracted thousands of users, but at the same time these users are bothering to play in this horrible way.
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
Liga de leyendas, April the 15th.
3rd race of the season: zero design points used (40 points retained).
Is it an expected behaviour that my car was able to achieve the 19th place/32 far only 0.064s from the fastest car?

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Screenshot-20200425-145623-i-GP-Manager" border="0"></a>
medal 5375
4 years 306 days ago
I agree with what Alessandro said. Unfortunately in the most competitive leagues pit stops have become a big problem. It is not possible to enter with a 2 second advantage on the follower and to exit 2 seconds after him. There is no linearity in this and the races are increasingly decided by luck. This has always happened in the game, but since the last update, things have gotten worse in a very evident way. I don't know how much it makes sense in a game like this that there are precedence in the pits or unsafe releases. This is just one of the problems I encounter during the races, but at the moment, it seems to be the most evident in determining the outcome of a race. 
And what about qualifications? Cars with 30 or 40 less design points that start in front of the most developed ones. But hadn't the random been eliminated?
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago (Last edited by L O L I T A 4 years 305 days ago)
More than 2 years ago, I posted a thread in the "Suggestions" sub-forum and I talked about the tyres in iGP Manager.
At that time, the game was very different (and more fun for sure). A lot of people were complaining about strong players who could use H tyres in a "bugged" way. Just because those strong players knew what you can actually do with the Push Levels system in this game (and most people still have no idea, even tho they think they're great players). The only "bugged" thing about tyres at that time was the huge distance in % between tyres wear (and it still is huge for no reason). Lots of people were complaining about H tyres becoming soon faster than softer tyres. And, among other things, I made this suggestion: "Just reduce the % difference in tyre wear between the four tyres and this will solve all the problems". Cause it wasn't true H tyres were faster than softer tyres as most people were saying, but softer tyres just had (and still have) an unmotivated high tyre wear compared to H tyres.

I made this kind of example:

German GP 75% distance:
Tyre wear SS tyres 15%
Tyre wear S tyres 7%
Tyre wear M tyres 5%
Tyre wear H tyres 4%

It was obvious a 2-stops strategy on H tyres could make you win the race.

So I made this suggestion:
Tyre wear SS tyres 8%
Tyre wear S tyres 6%
Tyre wear M tyres 5%
Tyre wear H tyres 4%

With a tyre wear % like that, what strategy could make you win the race? A 3-stops or 4-stops on softer tyres or a 2-stops on harder tyres? There would have been space for chosing different strategies and still have a chance to win, with those % of tyre wear.

(Be aware tyres performances were very different at that time compared to the present - so please don't tell me "a 3 or 4 stops on softer tyres would have won obviously" - I know very well that would be the case now)

And I also suggested a better balancing between tyre wear and fuel consumption (which has always been wrong and it still is).

A lot of people agreed with those suggestions, including many strong managers and also Kevin Bissell (I was racing in the MJL at that time, when the MJL was the #1 league in the whole game).
Jack Basford himself noticed my thread and the high activity in it and he commented saying those were great suggestions and he was going to test those kind of solutions. But also added he had also thought of something about the "tyres problem" and it was the scaling of tyre wear % based on the race distance (HUGE MISTAKE - in my opinion - because you can't scale tyre wear without also scaling fuel consumption to get a realistic result. And it was completely useless anyway, cause shorter races exist in real life too and they don't need to build tyres that only last 3-4 laps to make those races fun and spectacular).
At the end, after a few weeks, Jack published a huge update of the game in which the devs just scaled the tyre wear % based on the race distance, slowed down H tyres and reduced the overheating of softer tyres. Completely ignoring my suggestion about reducing the tyre wear % difference between tyres - which was the only thing that they should have done in my (and many other strong players) opinion.

I already knew that was the beginning of the end of this game. In fact, EVERY other update of the game since then, only went in the direction of balancing everyone regardless of their knowledge of the game dynamics, lowering the importance of a player's skills during a live race. Every. Single. Update. Since then.

A lot of randomness was just the natural consequence. H tyres are now completely useless (even tho they're still great but you never have the possibility to use them, cause you almost never refuel more than 40 litres - otherwise you can lose the total duration of a pit stop in a single stint - and with 40 litres you can do 13-14-15 laps at max in most races but you can easily do that amount of laps on S tyres in 75% and 100% races). And that's why the suggestion about a better balancing between tyre wear and fuel consumption, too.

Nothing of all this has been done, cause it would have just showed the difference between strong players and people who don't know what to do. These people (the majority) would have still complained about everything here on the forums and many of them would have left the game.

So, and this is my general opinion about what happened 2 years ago, Jack and the devs team only made sure as many players as possible would keep playing the game, giving them a chance to win even tho they really have no idea about what we can really do with the Push Levels system during a live race.
They kept introducing randomness over a pile of already random things and completely useless things (like the flags and VSC in the latest update - this is not a "driving" game - flags and VSC are RUBBISH and UNNEEDED, VSC is broken cause if you find yourself behind a lapped car you can't overtake it and if that car is even slower than the VSC speed limit you can lose several SECONDS to your direct opponents and also, if they really needed to bring flags into the game, where the heck is the blue flag?? That maybe was the only needed flag so lapped cars couldn't use kers to overtake you in that moment, for example). They just completely ignored the opinions of the strong managers that have been playing this game for years, since the older versions. And they're still completely ignoring other smaller bugs that have already seen many birthdays (league search filters, drs at the end of 2nd lap in Spain and many others). 

The main problem in my opinion is that no one in the devs team and not even Jack know how to play the game they created. None of them ever played in very competitive leagues and they obviously can't get to know where their updates really lead to. I don't even know how they managed to create that fantastic Push Levels system, which can really do wonders if people understand that it's not just for managing the right tyres temperature. I guess it was pure luck. I'm just waiting for the moment they will change its functions or swap it with a different tyre temps management system to finally uninstall iGP Manager. Cause if that happens by any chance, I really won't have any more reasons to play this game.

This was a real GEM of a game. But 2 yars ago a decision has been made: Better having an "easier" game for everyone than having a "hard-to-learn" game not for everyone.
Now they're only trying as much as possible to give EVERYONE a chance and they can only do it adding randomness, when people don't have the willing to understand the game dynamics and learn. The "live race" part of the game is now almost useless (completely useless in the most competitive leagues). They could also remove it and just simulate the race results and it would change almost nothing. You just need to know how to develope a car as best as you can and hope for luck to be by your side. That's all you need to do now to have a chance. Even tho you do absolutely nothing during a live race apart from watching the tyres temperature, you can still win races and championships if you have one of the best cars and you're lucky enough. Everyone can do that.
Personal skills with the Push Levels system almost don't count anymore. In the older version of the game, you could beat stronger cars and stronger drivers if you really knew how to do it (of course, still having a good car anyway - that's obviuos).
But all of this doesn't exist anymore and personal skills during live races have been neutered, more and more every single update of the game until now, by always adding random features and useless things. And now we find ourselves in a broken game with broken pit stops, broken qualifying rounds, broken developement system, broken tyres, broken overall performances, broken searching features and all the other silly things you guys already listed here in this thread and other topics.

I already knew. I knew what was going to happen and WHY, since the "infamous" update of 2 years ago: the "tyre update".
medal 5000
4 years 306 days ago
I joined the game on May 2017 and I remember the old good hard tyres... I agree on the point that from the famous update something changed. 
But there is still something good in the game. If we can obtain a true qualifying and good pit-stops it would be a good starting point, even if the high competitive leagues would be still overcrowded.
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