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Java realtime not being recognized by igp

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medal 5000
11 years 87 days ago
When I tried opening Time Control or 2D, it prompted me to update Java, which I did.  I even rebooted, but Time Control and 2D still give me the same error, that I need to update to the latest Java version.  Ok, so I downloaded Java again, says its already on the computer, but I went ahead to download.  Time Control still doesn't recognize that Java is loaded, gives origional prompt to update Java.  What next?
medal 5000
11 years 87 days ago
David, How many versions of Java do you have on your machine? This problem crops up from time to time. How ever many you have, you need to delete them all & start again with the latest version.
medal 5000
11 years 87 days ago
I didn't have java on my machine, and I just deleted the one I downloaded to redownload.  Still no good.  Same thing. version 7u45, have windows 7 64 bit.
medal 5000
11 years 86 days ago
David, I will ask for this to be investigated
medal 5000
11 years 84 days ago
Here's what -   when I followed the link when trying to access Time Control, that download didn't work.  When I went to and downloaded that way, it worked fine the first time. Tadaaaa.....
medal 5000
11 years 83 days ago
medal 5000
11 years 83 days ago
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
I have just exsperienced a similar problem, I get the message 'Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running.' How do I get the application to trust igp? I'm preatty frustrated about this! I can view the Mobile Timing but thats no good... Please help!
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
Same Charlie. It's annoying. Especially as I've spent £30 :/
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago (edited 11 years 21 days ago)
1. There's a new version of Java out, version 7, update 51.

2. You may need to update your security settings within Java. To do this, open your Java Control Panel (under Control Panel in Windows; if you're in Ubuntu or a similar Linux distro, you can find it through the Dash by searching for "Java".

When you get the panel up, click the Security tab.

At the bottom, click Edit Site List...

In the dialog box that opens, click the Add button, and add and, then click OK.

When your control panel Security tag looks like this...

... click OK and you're done.

From here on out, your browser should prompt you to run the viewer, but when you tell it to allow it will run.

edit: typo
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
A very useful post James - thank you
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
Cheers James :)
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
Thanks for the post James very handy.

However just noticed that if you leave the / on the end of the 2 addresses you provided then  Java still brings up the error box

But once again many thanks, as I wouldn't have known where to start
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
I don't have an edit site list, just this :/
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
I did wot was said above and got sound but no picture. Thats on chrome. So i tryed it on IE and it works fine not sure if theres an issue with chrome and the new java or its just my chrome thats knacked. Hope this helps anyone thats not using IE
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
James, you are a hero! :3
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
James, Your post here is excellent. So much so that it deserves an award.

I will send you some reward points.

Thank you
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
I tried what James is saying here before reading it here as a possible solution. Doesnt work for me.
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago
I don't have an edit site list, just this :/

What version of Java? I don't think the earlier versions have the Edit Site List feature... fairly sure that's a recent addition.

However just noticed that if you leave the / on the end of the 2 addresses you provided then Java still brings up the error box

Is it preventing you from loading the viewer? You *should* still get a prompt asking you if you want to run the app; click the Run button and you should be golden.

I did wot was said above and got sound but no picture. Thats on chrome. So i tryed it on IE and it works fine not sure if theres an issue with chrome and the new java or its just my chrome thats knacked. Hope this helps anyone thats not using IE

What OS, Norrie? I know there are certain versions of Chrome on certain platforms where you can't run Java period. If it works in IE you're probably on one of said platforms.
medal 5000
11 years 21 days ago (edited 11 years 21 days ago)
FYI - You do not have to go through those steps of adding the iGP site manually. And actually, not everyone will see that depending on their system and install.

Just click the "Restore Security Prompts" button and everything will work fine.

If you still have troubles:
[list][*]Lower the security settings to 'Medium' in the Java Control Panel.
[*]Restart your browser and reload the java application (e.g. Start iGP's java application)
[*]Then "Accept" to run the application.
[*]If it loads fine, go back and set your security level to 'High'.[/list]
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