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Ad for +5% health

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5008
4 years 213 days ago
Què has intentat fer?
I was training my driver for the next interleague race but after 3 uses of the ADs, it stopped appearing

Què ha succeït en el seu lloc?
The option stopped showing like if I used the 10 free ADs...

Sobre quina connexió ha succeït el problema? Quan s'usa la Wi-Fi, les dades mòbils o en ambdues?
Mobile data

On ha tingut lloc el "bug"; en l'app, en el PC o en ambdós?

Quin és el model del teu dispositiu?
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite

De quin sistema operatiu disposa?

Quin és el nº de versió del sistema operatiu?

Es pot reproduir el bug?
I think that's a non-reproduceable issue...
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 213 days ago
Hi, please check this official thread.

There are two main options, come back later to watch ads, or stop relying on them to get more health, money, parts.

I'd do the second option.
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