Ivan Bojović medal 5000 4 years 91 days ago (Last edited by
Ivan Bojović 4 years 91 days ago)
Two days I don't have a blue advertising button and a bonus.
What is problem?

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 4 years 91 days ago
Despite the fact this won't solve the issue. I hope it can answer the question: "why is the blue button missing?"
Please read carefully:
What is your main issue for the moment? Game money or car parts?
I can tell some game-tips that would help you.

Ivan Bojović medal 5000 4 years 91 days ago
I use for all, but two days I do not have.
Please help me, tell me game tips.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 4 years 91 days ago
Finance Help
It's very important to have a small budget. YdA (Young Driver Academy) drivers are the best ones, as you can't find such low salaries on transfer market.
Some things that you can do to avoid negative balance:
1- Choose good sponsor, get one that pays 3 tokens and the second one should balance bonus and fixed money;
2- Get the cheapest car supplies;
3- Get rid of extra staff or drivers.```
Being more drastic you could (I hope you won't have to do that):
4- Stop to level up headquarter buildings;
5- Do not renew Doctor's contract if you aren't training drivers;
6- Change to a 1-driver League (That save parts and game money).
Car parts help
Here's something you can do without any performance lose:
1- Do not fix your car for the last race of season, as you'll get a fully fixed one in the next season;
A desperate measure would be:
2- Completely stop fixing one of your cars, it will brake but you'll save car parts and engines.
I'm sure other players have better tips than this. I hope they can also give their opinion here.

Ivan Bojović medal 5000 4 years 87 days ago
I got the blue bonus button again today.