Dortmund Simp medal 5000 3 years 336 days ago
Does talent affect lap time? When doing practice for a race, a team with a slower car and worse driving ability stats outperformed me. He has much more talent than my driver, so could this be the cause of it. The conditions were the same

Ángel Piret González medal 5000 3 years 336 days ago
I think yes, from what I know I think that the talent is the raw speed of the pilot

Rhys James medal 5000 3 years 336 days ago
Talent is, based off slightly outdated studies carried out a while ago by experienced player Peter Man, is, on the average track, +0.05s/lap each talent less than 20. So a T20 will be almost a second a lap faster than an equivalent T1 on average.

Dillon Hatley medal 5004 3 years 335 days ago
Talent does affect speed, it is the most important stat on a driver in my opinion.