On my CD i have cooling as a weakness and i wanted to know if that is a good weakness. Is it important or do i need to find new chief designer?
Many thank and please help me out it would mean a lot.
Connor Coopermedal 5352Super Mod 3 years 215 days ago
Cooling as a CD is seen as one of the two best attributes to have as a weakess by experienced iGP Manager players (reliability being the other one).
If in future you wanted to change your CD's weakness, you can either buy a new CD through transfers or keeo the CD and spend 50 tokens to change the weakness.
I would suggest so, your current CD is good as Connor says but is also underleveled compared to your account for maximum power.
You will want a level 19 CD with Acc/Bra/Han as strength and either Reliability or cooling as weakness, as you are level 19
Note: at level 20 a 5* level 19 CD will have the same effect as level 20.
Might be worth waiting until the new changes take place this week. Then you will have the ability to scout a new CD via your Academy which will be easier and probably cheaper than buying in the market