Sean Stone medal 5000 3 years 145 days ago (Last edited by
Sean Stone 3 years 145 days ago)
Yes of course, if not online or online and not touching anything the AI just does its lap, just perhaps with a manager preset PL.
I like this bit, should add a new dynamic to the game. Managers will need to find the appropriate PL (not just setting it at Max PL) for optimum performance per track and the best part will be what works this season/ time of the year necessarily won't work the next ?.
I literally suggested manager defined PL in my first post:
The only thing devs could do that would satisfy everyone without being too convoluted or annoying is letting us choose a push level and then adding a driver mistake rate based on that. For example PL1 has 0% error rate and PL5 has 40% or what have you.
I don’t agree…… in my leagues there are many different strategies short first stint, long first stint, start on Ss start on S start on M.
I don’t think that a Qualifying with fuel of first stint will make the game monoton. Also for rain races it will improve the game because than you can decide if you do a short first stint to get away….
Look, if you had cars that are pretty equal and you then use the fuel of your first stint, anyone who uses even a little bit more than their competition would be at the back of the grid. With equal competition (and manager skill level) that means they most likely cant win the race anymore, unless everyone else makes mistakes. The only people that would benefit from this are managers that are much faster than their rivals.
It wont work. It would devolve into a meta. Thats what happens in online games. I also said that we have flexible strategy now. Starting on M is a risk, as it should be, but of course you can make it work. Qualifying with 20 laps of fuel while your opponents all take 5 is not, you will start in last place. People will always find a way to trick the rules. Thats why you cant just implement something that sounds good on paper. If theres even a slight chance of exploits happening or a meta forming, you cant implement it if you want to keep diverse strategies and room for creativity. I dont know how else to explain it, maybe look into games that have these problems.
Else that thinking along with data and staff real teams need would mean iGP Manager offering live races at all would be a mistake.
You are completely missing my point. We have data for races, but we dont have the in depth data you need to make a live qualifying exciting in a game. Like i said look at Motorsport Manager and tell me that it isnt boring af. Dont take my words out of context or twist my arguments around.