Maarten de Hoog medal 5400 3 years 120 days ago
Can the game please stop kicking people below a certain number of mangers in pro and rookie tier?
Whole promotion/relegation system doesnt work for the few active players that deserve to promote to elite.
Inactive players kicked from elite I do not mind, but how the game treats active players not able to promote cause of the game kicking people makes me thinking about stopping hosting a league or even stop playing at all.
This issue needs to be solved asap, been thinking about how to deal with this for over a year now.
Stop destroying lower tiers for the few active players that deserve to promote

Suzuya the Cat medal 5000 3 years 120 days ago
Can the game please stop kicking people below a certain number of mangers in pro and rookie tier?
The game doesn't check if the league has promotion/relegation on. It automatically kicks inactive managers as follow:
30 days for Rookie;
60 for Pro;
90 for Elite.
If in 30-60 days you didn't managed to fill up the league you may need to advertise it a bit better to gather more managers and keep the league running ?♂️
Also, for the inactive team, if they return to the game, it's a big financial loss to be running months without sponsors, + the loss of the staff and drivers... just to serve as a long standing filler?
If necessary, create some new accounts, keep Rookies engaged and after a few seasons you might be able to run a fully tier ? you can also check this
League host guide. Cya ?

Maarten de Hoog medal 5400 3 years 119 days ago
That is not the point I make here.
Stop kicking below a certain threshold

Suzuya the Cat medal 5000 3 years 119 days ago
You have 4 managers below the promotion threshold, so you would need to force at least another 4 inactive accounts to be kept on your league just to promote 2 of them, then next season you would need 6 and so on (considering Rookies leave or get inactive too).
The problem is if any of these accounts decides to be active again they would be millions, if not billions, in debt just to conveniently fill up your league which could be done with a set of 8 dummy accounts in a new league ?
If you really want to push promotion in Pro, keep the next 2 pair of promoted Rookies engaged and you might even get one or two new managers in the mean time, so you will get the promotion open organically ?

Maarten de Hoog medal 5400 3 years 119 days ago
Been trying that for over a year now.
Fed up with efforts being put down

Cameron Pollock medal 5119 3 years 119 days ago
To be honest, if somebody has been inactive (not even logged in) for 30 to 60 days then they've probably quit the game so won't benefit your league. At that point it's probably better to put filler accounts of your own in there to activate promotion.
Best thing to do is as Suzuya says, to try and recruit and advertise a bit better. It also might help to have a fixed start time for the races, changing every season is likely to push managers away ?

Antonio Ascari medal 5618 3 years 118 days ago
Can the game please stop kicking people below a certain number of mangers in pro and rookie tier?
Whole promotion/relegation system doesnt work for the few active players that deserve to promote to elite.
Inactive players kicked from elite I do not mind, but how the game treats active players not able to promote cause of the game kicking people makes me thinking about stopping hosting a league or even stop playing at all.
This issue needs to be solved asap, been thinking about how to deal with this for over a year now.
Stop destroying lower tiers for the few active players that deserve to promote
Pro tier is the difficult tier for hosts, the only way you can keep your promoted rookies in your league is when you have promotion active in pro. To get there, you will need filler accounts in pro.
To get these filler accounts, I would advise you to create accounts (rookie) put them in a private league so they promote to pro, then put them in your league until you can activate promotion.
It takes some effort but you have a healthy rookie tier so it’s worth the effort

Paul Alexander medal 5000 3 years 118 days ago (Last edited by
Paul Alexander 3 years 118 days ago)
The tier system is slowly ruining the game I believe. It’s become a big problem for a while having the void that is the PRO tier and until this system is completely overhauled, it’s not going to get any better.
Creating 100’s of “filler accounts” is a fix to a problem that shouldn’t be there in my opinion

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 118 days ago
In many ways I agree with Paul, unfortunately I can't think of an alternative approach that let's newer managers enjoy the game without being trounced by some of the more experienced guys and girls.
Another issue is the high number of leagues diluting the number of teams per league. Some of this is because people obviously have an ideal time to race, but then there are options such as race length, speed, one or two cars which give many permutations on the basic game.
We are told by the developers that their intention is to introduce other host selectable options such as no refuelling, tyre rules, flags etc. This will greatly increase the number of permutations and my worry is the number of leagues will also grow making the situation even worse.

Antonio Ascari medal 5618 3 years 118 days ago
In many ways I agree with Paul, unfortunately I can't think of an alternative approach that let's newer managers enjoy the game without being trounced by some of the more experienced guys and girls.
Another issue is the high number of leagues diluting the number of teams per league. Some of this is because people obviously have an ideal time to race, but then there are options such as race length, speed, one or two cars which give many permutations on the basic game.
We are told by the developers that their intention is to introduce other host selectable options such as no refuelling, tyre rules, flags etc. This will greatly increase the number of permutations and my worry is the number of leagues will also grow making the situation even worse.
If the number of players grow accordingly there is no problem at all. Atm another problem is new players not realising there are other leagues around, it’s astonishing the number of players stuck in a bad league with bad or even inactive host. They stay because they don’t know about better leagues

Archie Bald medal 6036 3 years 118 days ago
In many ways I agree with Paul, unfortunately I can't think of an alternative approach that let's newer managers enjoy the game without being trounced by some of the more experienced guys and girls.
Another issue is the high number of leagues diluting the number of teams per league. Some of this is because people obviously have an ideal time to race, but then there are options such as race length, speed, one or two cars which give many permutations on the basic game.
We are told by the developers that their intention is to introduce other host selectable options such as no refuelling, tyre rules, flags etc. This will greatly increase the number of permutations and my worry is the number of leagues will also grow making the situation even worse.
If the number of players grow accordingly there is no problem at all. Atm another problem is new players not realising there are other leagues around, it’s astonishing the number of players stuck in a bad league with bad or even inactive host. They stay because they don’t know about better leagues
This is so true.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 118 days ago
Currently there is a choice between one or two car leagues, 4 race distances and three speed options which give 24 permutations. To fully populate these leagues will require 12 x 16 (one car) + 12 x 32 (two car) = 576 teams to fully populate a tier or 1,728 teams for the entire league at each half hour time slot in the day.
Even to half populate them so that promotion and relegation is enabled requires nearly 900 teams for every half hour time slot. Then every time the devs introduce another binary choice (tyre rules on/off, no refuelling on/off, flags on/off) you double the problem.
Of course some leagues have local rules, some prefer to race every day and some have days off, some prefer short seasons, others prefer a full 22 race season. These additional local options add to the diversity.
I'm not trying to give a solution, I'm simply trying to quantify the scale of the problem in keeping leagues and tiers well populated.
By not kicking inactives you at least keep the tiers populated but the cars are very uncompetitive, they break down and ruin the racing for those who are active.
Maybe a better solution would be iGP Bot accounts. Every time a league is created it would be 50% populated in each tier by iGP Bots. These would be set at max level appropriate to the tier, they would never level up, would be exempt from promotion and relegation, they would not break down and would receive a mildly competitive strategy for each race to give the real accounts something to race against.
Every time a real manager joined the league, the highest placed Bot would be kicked and if the league dropped below the promotion/relegation threshold a new bot account would be inserted.
I'm not sure how feasible this would be for the developers to introduce or how much additional load it would place on the servers but it's a solution of sorts.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 117 days ago
I also have about 20 accounts that I can insert into leagues as required to activate promotion but I don't have the time to log into them every day to repair and set up for the following race.
This means that the one or two active accounts in Rookie and Pro are not getting the chance to race against competitive opponents. Many soon get disillusioned by the experience and leave the game. The solution I suggest would mean the iGP bot accounts would automatically receive a competitive setup and strategy without anyone needing to spend hours setting them up. The active managers would have a challenge and would be more likely to remain active until they get to Elite where they would generally be racing against real people.
I appreciate there are some drawbacks, the biggest being the storage requirements for all of the bot accounts and the load on the servers to accommodate all of the additional races. To compensate for this the Devs would need to introduce some barriers to people creating dozens of secondary accounts and a restriction on the creation of new leagues.
TBH, I'm only throwing ideas out there to stimulate debate, I think the chances of the Devs picking up on this are pretty slim.

Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 3 years 117 days ago
Maybe it’s time to re-think the whole tier structure. There are problems with both Rookie and Pro, albeit different ones.
Perhaps manager hosted leagues should be restricted to Elite Tier and below that have a structure which is automatically hosted by iGP. Once managers reach a certain pre-defined level they would be eligible to join an Elite league If they wish. Elite league hosts could decide whether their league would be open to everyone eligible or via invitation/application.
Equally, any managers in Elite finding it too tough have the option of moving to another Elite League as currently or they can opt to move back down to an iGP Pro tier league. This would hopefully remove some the issues we have with dead Pro leagues and players quitting who get disillusioned when they move up to Elite too early.
The only exception to this would be privately hosted (i.e. password protected) leagues so that friends could opt to play together. Hosts would be able to manually promote/relegate within this structure, but if someone opts to leave and join the main leagues the tier they join would be determined by their level.
Again, just some suggestions to stimulate discussion and further ideas and obviously for the iGP Leagues there would have to be some loss of flexibility over race times, duration, speed, cars etc

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 3 years 117 days ago
Anyone else wondering what changes this part of the latest blog will bring exactly?:
this update will include revisions to the league system, making it easier for hosts to create and maintain well-populated leagues via more intelligent distribution of players coming from the league system itself, adding life to all areas of the community.
In general I think the biggest problems of the current tier system are that promotion is either on or off, no middle ground, and that demotion/relegation is only really active if a tier is completely full. I think promotion should enable in steps, so if the tier is less filled less teams are promoted. That means promotion can start a little bit sooner and if Pro is less populated than Rookie it still looses less teams than it gains. Also the last team in standing should relegating sooner than a nearly filled tier at 15/29 teams, more like at more than half filled the last relegates and full it's two like now (1 car could be 17, 22, 27, 32 teams enabling one more relegation slot). This would allow Pro to receive teams from Elite instead just bleeding them to Elite until that's filled up completely.

Antonio Ascari medal 5618 3 years 117 days ago
Anyone else wondering what changes this part of the latest blog will bring exactly?:
this update will include revisions to the league system, making it easier for hosts to create and maintain well-populated leagues via more intelligent distribution of players coming from the league system itself, adding life to all areas of the community.
In general I think the biggest problems of the current tier system are that promotion is either on or off, no middle ground, and that demotion/relegation is only really active if a tier is completely full. I think promotion should enable in steps, so if the tier is less filled less teams are promoted. That means promotion can start a little bit sooner and if Pro is less populated than Rookie it still looses less teams than it gains. Also the last team in standing should relegating sooner than a nearly filled tier at 15/29 teams, more like at more than half filled the last relegates and full it's two like now (1 car could be 17, 22, 27, 32 teams enabling one more relegation slot). This would allow Pro to receive teams from Elite instead just bleeding them to Elite until that's filled up completely.
Although I agree in principle, this system could lead to players not in relegation zone for a whole season, suddenly in relegation zone because one or two managers joined. Imagine that happened just before the last race, …
Some good idea’s here though, Mitchell, Kevin and Frank, not perfect ideas but constructive feedback, I tip my hat to you gentlemen

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 3 years 117 days ago (Last edited by
Frank Thomas 3 years 117 days ago)
Yes, that could happen, but initially that would be those managers joining that are occupying those relegation places and an established team may just not getting out of the relegation zone with a team joining. Giving the design the established team must do really badly in a last race to loose out to the joining ones first race to switch places.
Edit: Also the only change would be when it happens. As at 14 and 28 teams respectively every joining team already unlocks a relegation place.

Maarten de Hoog medal 5400 3 years 117 days ago
I refuse to create accounts to fill up the pro tier.
First it is illegal, the game has therefore changed hall of Fame for example
Let me keep as much inactive players to keep promotion going for the ones that are active, the inactive ones will filter out, now my pro managers leave my league cause they will not be able to promote.
It is my job as host to keep 3 or 4 open slots for people to join and keep the league healthy, now it is a real pain in the a$$ to be honest

Antonio Ascari medal 5618 3 years 117 days ago
I refuse to create accounts to fill up the pro tier.
First it is illegal, the game has therefore changed hall of Fame for example
Let me keep as much inactive players to keep promotion going for the ones that are active, the inactive ones will filter out, now my pro managers leave my league cause they will not be able to promote.
It is my job as host to keep 3 or 4 open slots for people to join and keep the league healthy, now it is a real pain in the a$$ to be honest
It’s not illegal, nowhere written one can’t possess multiple accounts. Filler accounts is not farming (which is why hall of fame was changed)
Filler accounts are a means to get a full league, they should vanish over time leaving a healthy league. But if you don’t want to use them, no problem, do it your way.

Dortmund Simp medal 5000 3 years 116 days ago
How about using iGP set-up AI cars, that can be activated in league options. These would progress, upgrade, train and race like a normal team would but would not be able to promote. This would help buff up leagues and give these “deserving” managers promotion. It might be a lot to ask to code a fully functioning AI team and it could go wrong with them all going into debt, but it could be a nice option.
Random name generators would be a nice touch, because if hosts name them, it would be chaos with teams called “Joe Mama”??