Tonights race in the british racing league rookie level seems to have stopped on lap 19! it shows no results for rookie and we cannot do nything as we are still active in a race!
Any help?
Doug Kaster 5000 9 years 329 days ago (edited 9 years 329 days ago)
Jack Basford,
our race today went fine in pro and elite but for some reason rookie froze and shows no results till race is over. The other races were over along time ago.
Everyone in rookie is being held up, they can't change any design setting or set a strategy for tomorrows race ( our last race of the season )
Plus I can't get into the league management page so that I can postpone races till some time after hearing from you about a fix and what options we have (rerun the race or...)
Correction I can get into the league management page but because the game thinks there is a race happening I can't make any changes, like postponing the next race till I know we have a fix.
Really sorry about that guys, and the delay in responding. For some reason your race wasn't resumed with the service after it restarted. I have been forced to postpone the race and reset the preparation. It will run in the next available calendar slot.
We will investigate why your race didn't restart to prevent this from happening again.
Jack the rookie class is the only class affected and now after you cleared and reset the race...
Pro and Elite are on the schedule as being one race ahead of the rookie class.
Jack because only rookie was reset leaving the rookies with 2 races befor the end of this season and this day being the last race of the season for pro and elite. How will this affect the start of next season? Will the start our next season kickoff with rookie starting 1 day behind pro and elite or will they all start on the same day?
The Abu Dhabi races were postponed to the 27th along with the final race in Rookie. This means the Rookie Brazil race will run then all the tiers will run Abu Dhabi on the same day and be back in sync.