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Finding Leagues With Discords?

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medal 5000
2 years 343 days ago
Hi all!

I've been playing the game for a little while now, as I work as a Data Analyst and love the in-detail reports and management in the game!

I have been trying to find a new league due to the lack of activity/interactivity in the current one I'm in. I know discord links are banned from the forums (which is a shame really, but I understand the reasoning of moderation) but I cannot seem to find leagues with a discord server on their page.

Any ideas how to properly search for leagues like this?
medal 5000
2 years 343 days ago
Do you have checked this post?
medal 5000 Super Mod
2 years 343 days ago
If you post your requirements. i.e. Race time, Number of cars, Race Distance, Race speed, Race days (every day, Mon - Fri etc.) and the fact you want a league with a Discord server I'm sure you will get suggestions or invitations.

But a word of caution... You are currently in the Rookie tier you're unlikely to find any leagues with more than a couple of active managers in Rookie.
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