Please consider one Open Global Championship
Elite (32 drivers - 8 relegate) total 32 players
Master1 Master2 Master3 Master4 (32 drivers each- 2 promote 8 relegate) total additional 128 players
Pro1 Pro2 Pro3.............Pro 16 (32 drivers each- 2 promote 8 relegate) total additional 512 players
Amateur1 Amateur2 Amateur.3....Amateur64 (32 drivers each- 2 promote 8 relegate) total additional 2048 players
Novice1 Novice2 Novice3 ..... Novice256 (32 drivers each- 2 promote ) - total up to additional 8192 players
eventualy - Hobbies1 Hobbbies2....Hobbies1024 could be open (32 drivers each- 2 promote ) - total up to additional 32768 players
Total of 43 680 players can compete in this scheme.
That would make open direct competition and good motivation for top players and the propriate replacement of faking Hall of Fame. I see now some top players in the league bored of the game and low competition. Searching for other league is not a solution you like.
just allow the real competition.
Of course, current open private leagues with 3x32 format should stay.