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Quick Race Time Wasters

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medal 5000
2 years 315 days ago
Is there anything that can be done about managers who use quick races just to gain experience points for a new driver? Some of them don't use boost at all so I assume they've started the race and put the phone down and go and do something else. The new trick is to only put a few litres of fuel in so the car it runs out on the first lap and the car is removed. I assume they still pick up the experience points and don't care. The worst culprit is Scuderia Montoya who seems to do it every race although today he decided to do a pit stop on every lap! It was a three car race and the other car did the half a lap of fuel trick. So I've set car up, used points to fix damage only to find I'm not really in a race at all, and of course I've not only wasted 10 minutes of my life but the car has more wear and tear which I have to fix at my cost! Any ideas anyone because it's really spoiling the game!
medal 5001
2 years 315 days ago
I call them one-lap-racers...
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