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Race started with incorrect fuel

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medal 5000
2 years 310 days ago
What did you try to do?
Put in 130L and it started with 120L there was nothing I could do due to league rules

What happened instead?
Started the race with 120L and we could not finish the rce,

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
PC and iPad

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
PC viewer

Can the bug be reproduced?
It occurred on all teams in the race not just mine.

Additional comments:
medal 5000
2 years 310 days ago
The race was Malaysia on both of the Super Racing League leagues and most cars ran out of fuel.
medal 5000
2 years 310 days ago (Last edited by Jeff Gordon GT 2 years 310 days ago)
Same in our league today. A lot of cars out of fuel with a starting fuel of only 120 liter. All this active players switched her tank for example to 155 liter before. The cars without addional car setup have won the race. 
Is it possible to repeat it and delete the result of this ugly race.
medal 4985 Moderator
2 years 310 days ago
Races affected by this bug can be re-run or deleted from championship, whichever is prefered. To re-run the host should post a request here, to delete please open a thread in Help&Support.
medal 5000
2 years 310 days ago
For our leagues I think we are going to treat it as a glitch and continue with the season, these things happen and our season has just started so doesn't really affect us too badly. Thank you for your help though.
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 310 days ago
Apologies for this bug, it was not discovered during testing because we never encountered this scenario. It happens when the live weather changes between qualifying and the race start. It seems that the fuel cap on the UI that appears pre-race was not raised to coincide with the no refuelling update and so the maximum value isn't enough fuel to reach the end of the race.

I believe this bug has been fixed locally. That's the good news, the not so good news is that it will require a new app update and can't be rolled out server side. That's also why those who didn't attend or set up weren't impacted. You may actually be able to avoid having this happen by delaying opening the race viewer until the race has already started, btw.

It will be fixed in the next app update. In the meantime I'll have a think of there's anything we could do on the servers before then.
medal 5002 Super Mod
2 years 309 days ago

Apologies for this bug, it was not discovered during testing because we never encountered this scenario.

We actually did encounter this scenario during testing and it was discovered and reported ?

medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 309 days ago
We actually did encounter this scenario during testing and it was discovered and reported ?

I searched and found a single report in March and investigated why that report wasn't added to the tracker. There was a good reason, which I'm happy to explain in the tester group, but the forum is not the place for this.
medal 5042
2 years 309 days ago
There is a fuel glitch with refueling ban update. Cars starts with120 liters fuel even we select more in strategy option.
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