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Disqualified from wet race

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medal 6450
2 years 287 days ago
What did you try to do?
Was disqualified from race for not using 2 coumpounds.

Setup was for, Dry Mediums stint 1 and Dry Softs stint 2. and to use intermediates if its raining as was only light rain before qualifying when the setup locked down it was 1.6mm depth and still raining.

note: was not online for the race.

What happened instead?
It was raining for qualifying so my driver qualified on intermediates, and used intermediates in 2nd stint also till the end.

i thought if its wet you don't need to use 2 compounds? also my setup was for mediums & softs for 2 stints if it was dry, i see the winner changed to drys in middle of the race so i guess it stopped raining at some point near the middle of race.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
all of them

Can the bug be reproduced?
no idea

Additional comments:
Is this correct that you have to switch to drys if it stops raining otherwise are disqualified?
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 287 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 2 years 287 days ago)
As I understand it the weather during qualifying is not taken into consideration. The tyre rules apply for the duration of the race, that is from lights out until you cross the finish line at the end.

If it stopped raining during the 10 minute qualifying period before the race started and didn't start again it will count as a dry race which requires you to use two of the dry compounds.

For confirmation please see... NEW! League Rules Guide

Edit: Regarding the winner stopping to fit dry tyres about half way through the race... You can't assume this is when it stopped raining, if he was on line this will most likely be when he considered the track was dry enough to make slicks faster than Inters.

Second Edit: I just had a look at your race and I think there is a bug, just not the one you reported. The winner used Inters then Softs so did not use two dry compounds. According to the rules posted by José he should also have been DSQ. I will escalate this to the Devs.
medal 5657 Community Manager
2 years 287 days ago

Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
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