Ricardo Umans medal 5000 13 years 65 days ago
What happens with snow as current weather? I\'ve had this today in Belgium, decided not to test at that time.
Does it count as rain or what?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 65 days ago
I think it is supposed to count as rain but I am not sure.
I am racing in Belguim tomorrow as well so will leave my set-up till then.

Ricardo Umans medal 5000 13 years 65 days ago
I think it is supposed to count as rain but I am not sure.
I am racing in Belguim tomorrow as well so will leave my set-up till then.
Doing the same here, but still I want to know in case any race turns out to be snowy

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 65 days ago
Yes, it counts as rain.

Dan Iel medal 5000 13 years 44 days ago
but (as i found out yesterday) we had -20 per round on the tyres on snow so we all switched to hard or softs which were "normall"

Michael Jordan medal 5000 13 years 43 days ago (edited 13 years 43 days ago)
nvm sry

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
Please can an admin (developer) say what snow means because there is no answer or confirmation that it has been changed. This is important as races can be ruined because nobody has been given full confirmation about what snow count's as (light rain, heavy rain or dry)

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
I'm very annoyed about this, if this was a bug, then I could understand and wouldn't be annoyed as I know this is a new game, however, this is incompetence.

Jack Basford medal 5237
CEO & CTO 13 years 42 days ago
This won't be an issue after the Q1 patch, when there will be no more snow or vague condition names, only dry, rain, heavy rain etc.
As for now, it sounds like it is a bug. Andrew has already stated it is treated as rain, and that is correct. Though it sounds like (if they are wearing at -20 per lap) that it is behaving as if it is dry weather. This could mean that the simulator weather icon or reading of conditions is misbehaving. I have sent this thread to Andrew to take a second look at.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
The weather is a joke on all accounts. It makes racing a lottery. Why can't you implement a GPRO-based weather system ? This persistance is just beyond my understanding. It creates a lot of problems and no benefits.

Martijn Bont medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
It should just override the snow weather with 'rain' weather (if that's easily possible), until something better is implemented. Afaik it's already done in the back-end (with simulating the race), but for the user it just shows as 'snow', which is pretty confusing indeed.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
Look, I am not stupid, I checked forums when I saw snow. But I got conflicting information. On one side, Andrew said it should be threatened as rain, although he didn't said light rain or normal rain. But people also complained they got -20 tire usage per lap when using full wets. So, since it's a lottery and I am terrible with luck, I just am furious it all comes down to luck, due to some unresolved bugs. Sorry, I am very furious at the moment, although I realize it's just a game. It's just I put passion and wouldn't want my effort to flush by some randomness.

Martijn Bont medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
I was aiming my post to Jack/Andrew, so the 'snow' weather automatically get's overridden with 'rain'. That will take away all the confusion.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'm sure the developers mean well with this kind of "realistic" weather, but it's not "that" realistic in real world. F1 cars don't race at -18 degs, on snow, etc. Something must be done, something to smoothen the situation when it's too drastic.

Esben Jahn medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
Ok, what is one to stick to .....
Yesterday in this race, https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-live/19814/2d, had light snow, but they drove on soft tires, int tire could not keep up with soft, so the track must be dry and not wet. just so we understand what is right ...
wet in snow or dry in snow ... ?? :)
I have race in snow today ;)

Carlos Santos medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
I have race in snow today [img]design/icon/emoticon/wink.gif[/img]
Are you absolutely sure? :P

Esben Jahn medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
snow, sun, snow, sun .. so it has been since yesterday:) so the chance is big ;)

Ralf Jaspers medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
Hmm. Snow...do we get spikes tires. I didn't see any snow race in F1. OK, the weather with lower than 10 Grades is also unrealistic ,but what this mean for the tires is another way. I like, how it is impmented here ;).

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
They raced on lower temps than 10 degs in F1, but certainly not negative. Especially testing earlier in the season suffer from low temps, but I do remember one race in Germany, when they had really low temps (still positive though, but not by much).
Unknown medal 0 13 years 40 days ago
There actually have been cases of racing in snowy conditions in F1. At least once.